Guidelines for Filling Up Accounts Line Posts in Postal/RMS Wing - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Guidelines for Filling Up Accounts Line Posts in Postal/RMS Wing

Guidelines for Filling Up Accounts Line Posts in Postal/RMS Wing

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The Department of Posts, under the Ministry of Communications, has issued new guidelines regarding the filling up of Accounts line posts in the Postal and RMS Wings. This decision follows multiple references from various Postal Circles seeking clarification on the matter. The need for uniformity in the process has been identified, prompting the Directorate to release a structured framework for these appointments.

Background and Observations

  • Different yardsticks were being followed by various Postal Circles for appointing officials to Accounts line posts.
  • Recruitment Rules (RRs) for LSG (Accountant) in PO/RMS were established in 2011, while those for HSG-II (Accountant) in PO were framed in 1976 and amended in 1982.
  • Rule 273 of Postal Manual Vol-IV mandates a qualifying examination for Postal Assistants (PA) and Sorting Assistants (SA) with at least three years of continuous service for appointment to Accounts work.
  • The seniority of PO & RMS Accountants remains within the PA/SA cadre without any change after passing the qualifying examination.
  • Currently, there exist two parallel promotion channels: one for general line and another for the Accounts line, leading to inconsistencies in the promotion process across different Postal Circles.

New Guidelines for Uniformity

The Competent Authority has approved the following guidelines to streamline the process:

  1. Identification of Posts:

    • Circles will identify the number of required Accounts work posts at PA/SA/LSG/HSG levels.
    • These posts will remain part of the general line in both the PO and RMS wings and will not be treated as a separate cadre.
  2. Discontinuation of Separate Promotions:

    • No further promotions or appointments will be made against Accounts work posts at LSG/HSG levels.
    • Officials currently holding LSG/HSG (Accountant) posts will continue in their roles until further promotion under the revised guidelines.
  3. Manning of Accounts Work Posts:

    • PA/SA officials who have passed the PO & RMS Accountant Examination may be assigned to PA/SA level Accounts work posts.
    • LSG-promoted officials (both PO and RMS) who have passed the PO & RMS Accountant Examination may be assigned to LSG-level Accounts work posts.
    • Similarly, officials promoted to HSG-II/HSG-I (both PO and RMS) who have passed the PO & RMS Accountant Examination may be assigned to corresponding Accounts work posts.
  4. Promotion Eligibility Restrictions:

    • Officials currently holding LSG (Accountant) posts in PO will be eligible for promotion only to HSG-II in the PO General Line, not as HSG-II (Accountant).
    • Similarly, LSG (Accountant) officials in RMS will be eligible for promotion only to HSG-II in RMS, not as HSG-II (Accountant).
  5. Preparation of Common Seniority Lists:

    • A common seniority list will be prepared for LSG (PO General Line) and LSG (Accountant) in PO.
    • LSG (Accountant) officials will be placed below LSG (PO) officials who were senior to them in the PA (PO) cadre but above those who were junior.
    • A similar method will be used for RMS officials.
    • The same approach will apply to promotions from HSG-II (Accountant) to HSG-I in the PO General Line.


These measures are aimed at standardizing the appointment and promotion process for Accounts line posts, ensuring consistency across all Postal Circles. By eliminating the dual promotion channels and integrating Accounts line officials within the general line, the Department of Posts seeks to create a more streamlined and transparent career progression framework for its employees.


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