IO PO Honorarium Revision i/c/w GDS Rule 10 Inquiry - Draft Proposal - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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IO PO Honorarium Revision i/c/w GDS Rule 10 Inquiry - Draft Proposal

No. 17-31/2016-GDS (lO/PO/DA) Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-1 10 001 Dated: 02.01.2025

Subject: Revision of amount of honorarium to IO/PO in connection with Inquiry under Rule-10 GDS (C&E), Rules, 2020- draft proposal.

Download IO PO Revision of honorarium i/c/w GDS Rule 10 Inquiry - Draft Proposal in PDF


The matter regarding revision ofhonorarium to |O/PO in connection with inquiries under Rule 10 of the GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2020 is under consideration. Considering the overall efforts needed to carry out inquiries in the matters of GDS, it is proposed to revise the honorarium to be given to the lO/PO as under:

(a) The amount of honorarium may not be given to the IO/PO in all cases where the delinquent GDS unconditionally admits all the charges in first sitting of the case. However, if the same are admitted at later stage, then IO and PO [retired as well as serving] both the may be allowed an Honorarium of Rs. 3,000/- and Rs. 2,000 respectively.

(b) In other cases, where full fledged inquiry is conducted, the amount of honorarium for retired/serving officers is proposed as under:

i) Retired Officers:

The amount of Honorarium in respect of retired officers is proposed as under:

No. of Witnesses cited in the Amount of Honorarium Proposed for charge sheet retired officers/officials

More than 10 90% of the Monthly Pension or 45% of the last pay drawn

Between 6-10 40% of the monthly pension or 35% of the last pay drawn

Less than 6 60% of the monthly pension or 30% of the last pay drawn.


ii) Serving Officers

The amount of honorarium proposed for serving officers is as under:

IO- 15% of Basic Pay

PO-10% of Basic Pay

(c) In addition to the Honorarium, retired Government servants, who are appointed as Inquiry officer will be entitled to TA/DA as per their entitlements in accordance with rules/instructions. The TA claim would be settled by the office from where the govt. servant had retired. The retired officers will not be given any secretarial assistant. The charges for the same are included in the proposed honorarium.

(d) The serving govt. servants will also be entitled to TA/DA as per their entitlements in accordance with instructions issued from time to time.

2. All the Circles/stakeholders are requested to furnish their comments on the above proposal within a fortnight, i.e, latest by 15.01.2025. Circles are also requested to furnish data in respect of inquiries conducted in the matters of GDS in the last three years to calculate the financial implication in implementing the proposal in the following format:

Year No. of Inquiries Amount of Average no. of conducted as IOs Honorarium paid to | witnesses cited in lOs each case Retired Serving Retired Serving

Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Servant Servant Servant | Servant

Yours sincerely,

Signed by

Ravi Pahwa

Pre PPAR 09:56:40

Director (GDS)

Tel. No. 011-23096629

Email :


IO PO Honorarium Revision i/c/w GDS Rule 10 Inquiry - Draft Proposal

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