LDCE AAO Exam 2024 Corrigendum/Addendum Dated 06.11.2024
Corrigendum/Addendum for AAO LDCE 2024 Syllabus and SNO Updates.
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The Department of Posts under the Ministry of Communications, Government of India, has issued a new corrigendum/addendum for the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) 2024, aimed at recruitment to the Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) Cadre of IP&TAFs Group ‘B’. This document, issued on 6th November 2024, provides essential updates to the initial examination notification (dated 19.09.2024) and the previous corrigendum/addendum (dated 04.10.2024).
Key Updates to the Notification
This corrigendum includes updates to the list of State Nodal Officers (SNOs) and modifications to the syllabus for the LDCE examination, specifically in Annexures E and F.
A. State Nodal Officer Update for Karnataka Circle
In Annexure E (List of State Nodal Officers), the SNO for the Karnataka Circle has been updated. The new details are as follows:
- State/UT: Karnataka
- Tentative Exam Location: Bengaluru
- Designation: Controller of Communication Accounts
- Postal Address:CCA, Karnataka CircleDepartment of TelecommunicationsAmenity Block, Palace RoadBengaluru - 560001
This change ensures applicants have the updated contact point within the Karnataka Circle for all exam-related queries and coordination.
B. Revised Syllabus for AAO LDCE 2024
The syllabus for the AAO LDCE 2024 has been modified as follows, with changes highlighted for each relevant paper:
Paper I: Financial Rules and Procedures & Bookkeeping
- FHB Chapter-X (Establishment) replaces Chapter-IX.
- Chapter-XI (Contingent Charges) is updated to Chapter-X.
- Chapter-XIII (Loans & Advances to Government Servants) is updated to Chapter-XI.
- Chapter-XVII (General Provident Fund) is revised to Chapter-XVI.
Note: Other chapters listed in the original Annexure F (dated 19.09.2024) remain part of the syllabus.
Paper II: Service Rules
- FR SR Part-I: Chapter-VIII on Dismissal, Removal, and Suspension replaces Chapter-VII.
- FR SR Part-II: Chapter-III now specifies Travel Allowances (T.A.) for different classes of journeys instead of Chapter-II.
- CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021: Chapter XIV on Miscellaneous has been added.
- CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981: Included for comprehensive coverage.
Paper III: Postal Accounts
- Chapter-VI (Savings Bank) has been updated to include Paragraphs 6.01 to 6.13.
- Additional topics, including PMSBY, PMJJBY, APY, and accounting procedures for ATM transactions under Postal Accounts, are now part of the syllabus.
Note: Other sections of Paper III, as per the original notification and earlier corrigenda, remain unchanged and are also included in the syllabus.
Additional Information
The rest of the notification content, including the earlier corrigendum dated 04.10.2024, remains the same. The Hindi version of this update will follow.
Distribution and Accessibility
This corrigendum has been circulated to relevant officers, including the Secretary (Posts), Director General (Posts), and senior officers across departments. In addition, it has been forwarded to the CGM CEPT Bengaluru, CGCA New Delhi, and other senior authorities for publication on official websites to ensure transparency and accessibility.
This updated notification clarifies essential examination details and maintains the structured approach for applicants and coordinators, ensuring a smooth examination process for the AAO LDCE 2024.
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