IPPB Jeevan Pramaan (Digital Life Certificate) Generation for Pensioners Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Jeevan Pramaan (Digital Life Certificate) Generation for Pensioners.
Jeevan Pramaan is a biometric-enabled digital service for pensioners, providing an alternative to physical submission of life certificates. Through Aadhaar-enabled biometric authentication, pensioners can generate Digital Life Certificates (DLC) remotely. This service benefits more than one crore pensioner families in India, with central, state, and public sector pensioners eligible to use it. IPPB, with its extensive reach and doorstep service capabilities, assists in generating DLCs through an integrated platform with NIC (National Informatics Centre).
Basic Product Features
- Integration with NIC: IPPB has integrated with NIC’s Jeevan Pramaan application, enabling DLC generation via Micro ATM.
- Instant DLC Generation: Successful generation provides a Pramaan ID to the pensioner.
- Biometric and Facial Authentication: Pramaan ID can be generated using fingerprint or face authentication.
- Service for All Pensioners: Available to both IPPB and non-IPPB customers.
- Enquiry Option: Pensioners can check DLC generation status or retrieve Pramaan ID later if needed.
- Doorstep Service: Available through IPPB’s doorstep banking.
- IPPB Account Opening: Non-IPPB customers can open an IPPB account if interested.
- DLC Download: Pensioners can download their certificate via Jeevan Pramaan’s website.
Process Flow for DLC Generation Using Micro ATM
- Selection of DLC Option: The end user selects "Digital Life Certificate" on the MATM, initiating the DLC generation process with the connected biometric device.
- Authentication: Biometric or facial authentication is performed as per NIC’s protocol.
- Data Entry: Pensioner’s details like name, gender, and consent are recorded. The end user must inform the pensioner about the charges, including that they are non-refundable once DLC generation is successful.
- Fee Collection: Applicable fees, including any doorstep charges and taxes, are collected and confirmed by the end user.
- Operator Registration (if not already registered): End user registers in the NIC application if necessary by providing Aadhaar, mobile, and email details, followed by OTP and biometric authentication.
- DLC Generation Process: Pensioner’s information is entered, validated, and submitted for DLC generation. Any required modifications are prompted by the system.
- Notification: NIC sends a Pramaan ID to the pensioner upon successful generation.
- Result Display: The success or failure of the DLC generation is displayed in the MATM application.
- Fee Refund on Failure: If the DLC generation fails, the collected fee is refunded to the pensioner.
- IPPB Account Opening for Non-Customers: Non-IPPB pensioners can open an IPPB account immediately, if desired.
New Feature: Doorstep Booking for DLC Generation
IPPB’s new feature allows pensioners to book doorstep assistance for DLC generation requests, enhancing convenience for individuals unable to visit physical locations.
Important Notes
- No Liability on Pension Release: IPPB only facilitates DLC generation and is not responsible for pension release.
- Non-refundable Charges: Charges collected for DLC generation are non-refundable post-successful completion.
Quick Reference Guide
In case of issues related to DLC generation, refer to IPPB’s Quick Reference Guide for troubleshooting steps.
Approval Matrix for Document
The SOP’s current version is approved by various business leaders, ensuring robust oversight and compliance.
For more details on the steps, please consult the full SOP document available through the Business Operations Unit.
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