Grant of notional increment on 1st July/1st January to the employees who retired from Central Govt Service - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Grant of notional increment on 1st July/1st January to the employees who retired from Central Govt Service

F. No. 02-14/2020 — PAP (Part file) Ministry of Communications Department of Posts [Establishment Division/P.A.P. Section] Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 11.11.2024 CORRIGENDUM

Sub: - Grant of notional increment on 1st July/1st January to the employees who retired from Central Govt. Service on 30th June/31st December respectively for the purpose of calculating their pensionary benefits - regarding.

In partial modification, sub para (i) of Para 3 of this office OM No. 02-14/2020 — PAP (Part file) dated 18.10.2024 is hereby revised as under: -

To allow notional increment on 1st July/ 1st January, as the case may be, to the officials retiring/have already retired on 30th June/31st December and have rendered the requisite qualifying service as on the date of their superannuation with satisfactory work_and good conduct for calculating the pension admissible to them. The benefit of enhanced pension would be admissible w.e.f. 01.05.2023 onwards. Enhanced pension for the period prior to 30.04.2023 will not be paid. The notional increment will not be admissible for ay other pensionary benefit. The payment of enhanced pension would be subject to the outcome of the above referred Review Petition of the Govt. of India.

2. All other particulars of the aforesaid OM dated 18.10.2024 remain unchanged. 

Grant of Notional increment

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