Clarification on Payment of PLI/RPLI Incentives to Divisional Heads
Sub: Clarification on Payment of PLI/RPLI Incentives to Divisional Heads
This is with reference to the payment of PLI/RPLI incentives to Divisional Heads. Kindly refer to this office letter no, NKR/PLI/305-I1/2023-2024 dated 13.03.2024, requesting clarification as to whether incentives may be paid to officers holding additional charge of the division for a short period of one week or more, In response, Circle office informed to this office through e-Mail dated 15.04.2024 that the case had been referred to the Directorate. However, we have not yet received further clarification.
Divisions are frequently seeking clarification on the payment of PLI/RPLI incentives to Divisional Heads. According to the Directorate of Postal Life Insurance, Delhi, as per File No. F.No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 11.07.2023, Divisional Heads are eligible to receive 0.3% of the new business procured by all sales force in the Division (DE/FO/GDS/DA). However, the following points require further clarification:
1. Transfer during Policy Period: When a Divisional Head procures PLI/RPLI policies for the first six months of a policy period and is then transferred to another division, is the officer eligible to receive incentives for the remaining six months from the parent Division? Also, in such cases is the Divisional Head eligible for incentives from both the parent and transferred divisions or only from the transferred Division?
2. Retirement of Divisional Heads: If a Divisional Head retires from Govt service, is the officer still eligible to receive incentives for new business premiums collected during the first 12 months of a policy?
3. Additional Charge of Multiple Divisions: In cases where a Divisional Head holds an additional charge of multiple Divisions, is the officer eligible to receive incentives for both divisions? Furthermore, if the Divisional Head holds an additional charge for only a short period, is the officer still eligible for incentive payments for this period?
The above points may kindly be clarified on a priority basis, as such incentive bills have been kept in hold.
This issues with approval PMG,
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