AAO LDCE Exam 2024 Clarifications and Updates Dated 05.11.2024 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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AAO LDCE Exam 2024 Clarifications and Updates Dated 05.11.2024

Clarifications and Updates for the AAO LDCE Exam 2024.

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Memo No. 42-01-2023/Admin-V
Dated: 05.11.2024

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has released Memo No. 42-01-2023/Admin-V on 5th November 2024 to clarify key issues related to the Assistant Accounts Officer Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (AAO LDCE) 2024. This memorandum, directed to State Nodal Officers (SNOs), addresses frequently raised queries about eligibility, service qualifications, and the application process for AAO LDCE 2024. Below is an overview of the significant clarifications:

1. Relaxation for Vacancy Year 2023

  • Relaxation applies only for the 2023 vacancy year.
  • Eligibility adjustments based on junior candidates’ eligibility are distinct from general eligibility relaxations under Column 11 of the AAO Recruitment Rules (RR) 2018.

2. Use of Gradation Lists for Eligibility Assessment

  • For PA/SA Cadre candidates, eligibility should be assessed based on the Divisional Gradation List.
  • LSG Cadre candidates should be evaluated through the Circle Gradation List.

3. Seniors’ Eligibility Tied to Juniors' Eligibility

  • Seniors seeking eligibility based on their juniors’ eligibility do not require the junior to appear in the exam but must confirm the junior’s eligibility within the same gradation list.

4. Provisional Eligibility for Applicants with Degree Verification Pending

  • Applicants lacking verified degree qualifications but meeting other criteria will be considered provisionally eligible. The necessary updates should be made in records, with the degree verification completed promptly.

5. Collecting Junior Eligibility Information for Senior Applicants

  • CLCCs are instructed to gather eligibility data on juniors and use Annexure N for verification, facilitating eligibility claims by senior applicants based on junior status.

6. Eligibility of Transferees with Pension Benefits

  • Transferees from other government departments with service counted for pension purposes will have this service period counted toward their qualifying service for the AAO LDCE.

7. Minimum Qualifying Service Adjustments

  • For example, in cases where 9 years of service is required, a senior with 7 years of qualifying service may be eligible, provided their junior has completed the required service by the crucial date.

8. Scrutiny of Application Forms

  • SNOs are responsible for ensuring application forms are thoroughly reviewed, checking for completeness, photo attestation, applicant signatures, and proper verification from service records.

9. Protocol for Application Rejection

  • Late applications will be rejected. For specific omissions, SNOs should coordinate with Division Heads for corrections to avoid rejection due to minor, non-applicant-caused delays.

10. Exemption from DOP Guidelines

  • DOP Letter No. 1-1/2016-SPN-II is confirmed as inapplicable for AAO LDCE 2024, with examination processes governed by the AAO-specific guidelines.

11. Handling Applicant Queries

  • SNOs may address general questions, while complex inquiries should be referred to the Examination Committee.


This memo provides clear guidelines to ensure fair and efficient handling of AAO LDCE 2024 applications. The Enclosures—including revised annexures and a comprehensive FAQ—assist SNOs in implementing the directives smoothly and accurately.

This issuance from the Department of Telecommunications demonstrates a structured and transparent approach for managing the AAO LDCE 2024, prioritizing the fair assessment of all applicants.

AAO LDCE Exam 2024 Clarifications and Updates Dated 05.11.2024

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