PLI RPLI Services Business Process Re Engineering - Expert Committee Constituted
E.No.PLI-g1/1/2024-PLI-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Directorate of Postal Life Insurance New Delhi-110021 Dated:15/10/2024 Download PLI RPLI Services Business Process Re-engineering: Constitution of Expert Committee in PDF
Subject: Constitution of Expert Committee for Business Process Re- engineering for PLI/RPLI Services.
As per approval of the competent authority with respect to above cited subject, an expert Committee comprising following members is hereby notified for examination of all the processes related to PLI/RPLI with objective to ensure Business Process Re-engineering. Chairperson: Ms. Mrinalini Srivastava, Addl. GM(O), PLI Dte Convener: Sh. Ravindra Kumar, DDM-IH, PLI Dte Members of the Committee:
Sh. Sunil Kumar, DPS (HQ) Delhi Circle
Sh. Prateek, DPS (HQ), J&K Circle
Sh. Jitin Bansal, Director of Accounts (Postal), Punjab Circle
Sh. Abhishek Choubey, ASP MP Circle
Sh. Shriram, PLI [PPB
Sh. Rohit Sahu, AO (Accounts), Postal
Smt. Moumita Sengupta, AAO, PLI Directorate
Sh. Yogendra Sahu, SPOC, Chhattisgarh Circle
Sh. Nitesh Jha, DO (PLJ) Delhi Cirele
Sh. Venkat Arjun, SPOC, Andhra Pradesh Circle
Sh. Dhananjay, SPOC, Karnataka Circle
Assistance: Sh. Amit Kumar, ASP (Business),
Sh. Deepak Tripathi, IP (Ops.), PLI Dte
Sh. Praveen Kumar, IP (Tech), PLI Dte
2. Scope & Mandate of the Committee: The Committec’s primary mandate will be to review the existing business and operational processes of PLI/RPLI with the objective to remove as many operational stages to ensure prompt and improved service to customers. The Committee will focus on the following aspects.
i. To review the current workflow (As Is) by presenting it in a flow
chart format.
ii. Examining the best practices and technology usage in the Insurance Industry.
iii. Proposing optimized operational and business processes (To Be), illustrated with a flow chart.
iv. Suggesting changes to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and POLI Rules-2011
3. Objectives of BPR Committee:
i. Simplified and Streamlined Business Processes: To simplify workflows by identifying and eliminating redundant steps and overly complex procedures.
ii. Increased Efficiency: To enhance process efficiency by eliminating redundant operations and introducing best practices for optimal resource utilization.
iii. Enhanced Customer Service: To align business processes and operations with online services proposed in IT Project 2.0
iv. Greater Flexibility: To make the operational processes more adaptable to digital transformation and responsive to evolving customer needs and business requirements.
v. Improved Understanding of Business Purpose and Operations: To ensure all stakcholders have a clear comprehension of the business goals, operational structure, and service delivery model.
4. Time schedule for submission of Report: The above Committee will submit a report covering all above aspects within the definite timeframe of one month.
(Ravindra Kumar)
DDM-III,PLI Directorate
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