eNACH Services in IPPB Accounts | Electronic National Automated Clearing House (eNACH) services in IPPB accounts
No. 6-10/2018-PBI-Part(1) Government of India Ministry of communications Department of Posts (PBI Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 28 October 2024
Subject: Electronic National Automated Clearing House (eNACH) services in IPPB accounts.
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I am directed to state that IPPB has successfully implemented Electronic National Automated Clearing House (eNACH) services which will provide innovative and convenient financial solutions to DoP/IPPB Staffs and customers.
2. eNACH is an electronic payment system that enables automated recurring payments for Loans, Mutual Funds, monthly utility bills etc. With launch of eNACH, IPPB has empowered it's customers with a seamless and efficient way to manage their recurring financial obligations like Payment of Loan services from IPPB accounts, Mutual Fund SIP payments, Authorize recurring payments directly from their IPPB accounts.
3. Further, the implementation of eNACH in IPPB will enhance the customer experience and also contribute to the growth and development of the payment ecosystem.
4. In this context, all Circles are requested to kindly circulate the information about launch of eNACH in IPPB among all employees of DoP.
Signed by Mithilesh Kumar
Date: 28-10-2024 14:40:00
(Mithliesh Kumar Mandal)
Assistant Director General (PBI-I!)
Copy to:- CSMO, IPPB.
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