Filling MTS Posts from GDS candidates based on Seniority cum Fitness - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Filling MTS Posts from GDS candidates based on Seniority cum Fitness

Clarification on Filling MTS Posts from GDS Candidates Based on Seniority Cum Fitness.

The Department of Posts, under the Ministry of Communications, has issued a new directive regarding the process for filling Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) positions from among Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) candidates. The circular, dated 2nd September 2024, provides important clarifications on the ranking and eligibility of GDS candidates for promotion to MTS positions based on seniority and fitness.

Key Highlights:

  1. Seniority Guidelines:

    • The circular references the office memorandum (OM) dated 15th July 2021, which outlined the Limited Transfer Facility for GDS employees.
    • According to these guidelines, when a GDS employee is transferred to a new unit at their request and the transfer is approved by the competent authority, they will be ranked junior in the seniority list of the new unit. This applies to all GDS employees in the new unit as of the date the transferred employee joins, with the exception of transfers within the same engagement/recruitment sub-division, unit, or division.
  2. Impact on MTS Appointments:

    • It has now been clarified that when a GDS employee is ranked as the junior-most in the new unit following a transfer (other than within the same engagement/recruitment sub-division/unit/division), they will not be eligible for consideration for MTS appointments under the seniority quota. This is applicable even if their seniors in the unit are not eligible for MTS appointments due to insufficient length of service.
  3. Authority Approval:

    • The directive has been issued with the approval of the competent authority, ensuring its adherence across all postal circles.


This clarification is crucial for GDS employees seeking promotions to MTS positions, as it underscores the impact of voluntary transfers on their seniority and eligibility. GDS employees who are considering a transfer should carefully weigh the potential implications on their career progression, particularly regarding eligibility for MTS appointments.

Issued by: Ravi Pahwa
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC/PAP)

Date: 2nd September 2024

This directive is a significant development for GDS employees, ensuring transparency and clarity in the process of filling MTS positions, which are based on seniority cum fitness criteria.

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