PJCA writes to Secretary Posts: Arbitrary and unjust declaration of distinct category of HSG-II, HSG-I and HSG-I (NFG) as separate for verification of membership
Postal PJCA PF-12/2024 Dated — 06.08.2024
Sub: Arbitrary and unjust declaration of distinct category of HSG-II, HSG-I and HSG-I (NFG) as separate for verification of membership.
These Unions/Association /Federations would like to draw your kind attention to your office letter No. T-89/3/2021-SR dated 19.07.2024 on the above subject. In our opinion this move of the Department is arbitrary, unjust and illegal to against the understanding arrived with the union at the time of introduction of RSA Rules in the Department of Posts.
Already two Union/Association like All India Postal Employees Group-C vide its letter dated 26.07.2024 and All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group-C vide its letter dated 29.07.2024 have brought their resentment to your notice. Bothe the letters are enclosed herewith for your ready reference.
We sincerely request to your kind self to withdraw the initiative as contained in your office letter mentioned above.
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