GDS To Postman, MTS Exam Mock Test Papers set_14 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GDS To Postman, MTS Exam Mock Test Papers set_14


GDS To Postman Exam Mock Test Paper. GDS To MTS Exam Mock Test Papers set_14. GDS To MTS/PM Exam previous year question papers.

1. Read the following sentences and choose correct answer-

i. Postal headquarter of Arunachal Pradesh state is Shillong.
ii. Sikkim comes under the jurisdiction of West Bengal Circle.
iii. Head quarter of Haryana circle is Chandigarh.

2. Who is the Secretary of Postal Service Board (PSB)?

3. Who is the chairman of the Postal Services Staff Welfare Board?

4. Who is the Chairman of the Investment Board (Postal services Board) in the Department of Posts?

5. Post Offices are divided into ________ Classes.

6. Which Post Office Opens on Sunday or Post offices Holiday?

7. Overseas order of Philately are executed at India Philatelic Bureau _________

8. Franking will be allowed up to _______

9. Franking Impression must be in _________Color.

10. MO addressed to postbox cannot be booked

11. Article addressed to deceased person

12. Registered articles addressed to a pardanashin woman should be delivered

13. If an article is refused it will be kept in post office for____________

14. Handling charges of envelope for business reply card in addition to postage per article is

15. When non-inflammable or "Safety" cinematograph films are sent by the letter post a _____ label bearing the words "Safety films non-inflammable" in plain block letters must be affixed to the outside of each packet.

16. Weight of Letter Card is

17. What is the rate of discount for the walk-in customer who books speed post for Rs 3000.00?

18. Dangerous Goods means articles which are capable of posing a risk to

19. The Charges per insertion under Bill Mail Service is

20. What is the Maximum Deposit period of Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts?

21. What is the method of Calculation of TD interest?

22. What is the maximum Amount that can be transferred through International Money Transfer Services at a time as per applicable RBI regulation which must however be only for personal use?

23. Which of the following policy does not have a loan Facility?

24. Match the various postal saving schemes with its interest rates as on 31.12.2023

25. What is not a Due Bag?

26. Expand VSAT

27. The Bags which are sorted at transit office and thus forwarded onwards unopened are termed as?

28. An office of exchange in which the work of assessment of customs duty on foreign mails is also carried out is called:-

29. Mail Bag may also Contain articles of the parcel mail when no ___________ prescribed. are prescribed.

30. Insured Bags are _________

31. Which Indian State is connected to Sri Lanka by the Palk Strait?

32. Which State Shares its International Border with Bangladesh and Myanmar?

33. Dayanand Saraswati was the founder of which of the following missions?

34. Read the following sentences:

1. Panna is known as the Diamond City of India.
2. Jaipur is Pink city of India.
3. Diamond Harbour is in Odisha.

Which is/are correct?

35. Which of the following appointments is not made by the President of India?

36. In which of the following situations is the writ of 'habeas corpus' issued?

37. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.

List I List II
A. Bharatanatyam 1. Tamil Nadu
B. Kathak 2. Kerala
C. Kuchipudi 3. Andhra Pradesh
D. Mohiniattam 4. Uttar Pradesh

Codes:A B C D

38. Arrange the following districts from East to West:

39. It is important to have a good _______ to be successful in your career.

40. ____ skills such as writing, speaking, and body language are important work ethics so that you can be clear in your messages to others.

41. The value of 16-[5-2{14 of 2-(8/4*2-1+3)}] is:

42. If A's salary is 25% more than B's salary, then B's salary is how much lower than A's salary?

43. If a dealer wants to earn 40% profit on an article after offering 30% discount, by what percent should he increase his marked price to arrive at the label price?

44. A sum of Rs. 1600 gives a simple interest of Rs. 252 in 2 years and 3 months. The rate of interest per annum is

45. The simple interest on a certain sum at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4 years differ by Rs. 42. The sum is:

46. A cricketer scored some runs in his 21st innings, as a result, his average runs increased by 3. If the present average run is 40, how many runs did he score in the final innings?

47. How many kilometers will a cyclist cover in 2 hours 20 minutes with a speed of 5 meters per second?

48. A car covers the first 35 km in 45 minutes and the remaining 69 km in 75 minutes. What is the average speed of the car?

49. A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in 15 days. B worked for 10 days and left the job. In how many days can A alone finish the remaining work?

50. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can complete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete it?

51. Who can apply for recall of article or alteration of address:

52. The articles addressees of which are not known be kept in deposit for a period of:

53. Articles addressed to deceased persons are ordinarily dealt with in the same manner as:

54. Instruction for change in address is valid for:

55. What is the fee for redirection of registered letter?

56. Every RMS set is supplied with:

57. Each order book used in each RMS set has:

58. Which is not the content of portfolio:

59. Staff attached to a particular record office are directly subordinate to:

60. The Daily Report of an RMS Set is prepared in:

61. In how many parts, Mail Abstract is divided?

62. The sorting list of an RMS section shows which of the following:

63. The transit bag must always be closed and sealed in the presence of:

64. Which is correct in connection with cage T.B:

65. By whom 'A' Order is issued:

66. What are the duties of Head Postman:

67. Postman is expected to know about:

68. In which form Postman Book is maintained:

69. What is the form No. of Parcel Abstract and Registered Abstract:

70. The aggregate value of insured/VP/COD/ Banking/MO/IPPB that may be made over at one time to a single postman for delivery should not ordinarily exceed:

71. If any article made over to a postman appears to be damaged, a remark to that effect should be written in which of the following book/books?

72. Used up Postman's Book should be kept on record in the:

73. A single insured article which may be given to a postman for delivery should not exceed the value:

74. Each postman's beat is fixed by which of the following officer:

75. Which is correct in connection with payment of eMO:

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