Quiz GDS To MTS Exam Mock Test Paper. GDS To Postman Exam Mock Test Papers set_05. 1. Bihu is a folk dance of which state? Assam Bihar Jharkhand Tamil Nadu 2. Pongal is festival celebrated in which state? Kerala Tamil Nadu Bihar UP 3. Bodo tribes is found in which state? Sikkim Assam Kerala Bihar 4. Sunderban delta is located in which state? Maharashtra Karnataka West Bengal Tamil Nadu 5. What is the Rank of India in the World in terms of Area? 5th 6th 7th 8th 6. MC Mahon line is between India and ...... ? Pakistan China Afghanistan Bhutan 7. Who is called the father of the Indian Constitution? Nehru Ji Sardar Patel B.R. Ambedkar Gandhi Ji 8. The first Satyagraha of Gandhi ji was carried out at? Kheda Champaran Patna Pune 9. Who gave the slogan 'Jai Hind'? Sardar Patel Gandhi Neta ji Nehru Ji 10. How many postal circles are there in the country? 21 22 23 20 11. Who is the Chairman of the Postal Services Board? Director General Secretary Member O None 12. What is the weight limit of the blind literature packet? 7kg 8kg 9kg 6kg 13. Which mail come under second class mail? Letters Post Cards Letter Cards Book Packets 14. Who issues the license for Registered Newspaper? CPMG PMG DPS SSP/SP 15. Branch Office can book parcel maximum up to _________ Kg? 10 kg 5kg 7kg 15kg 16. What is the speed post charges for 50 grams anywhere in India? Rs 35 Rs 30 Rs 25 Rs 20 17. 1 CBPO is located at? Mumbai New Delhi Kolkata Chennai 18. Who is the Director General Posts at present? Vineet Pandey Alok Sharma Sanjay Sharan Alok Pandey 19. What is the maximum weight of Inland Letter Card? 5 Grams 7 Grams 10 Grams 11 Grams 20. Who is the Chairman of ‘Rajya Sabha’? President Vice-President Prime Minister None of these 21. Automated Letter Sorting Machine is function at Delhi Mumbai Hyderabad Patna 22. Which department of Govt. of India is having full fledged wing in the army? Railways Dept. of Posts Both None 23. What is the full form of RLO? Review Letter Office Returned Letter Office Both None 24. Circle bag office is known as? CSD PSD RLO None of these 25. Which office deals with Closed bags only? TMO CSD PSD RLO Show Results × Click here to Join Telegram Channel
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