GDS To MTS, Postman Exam Mock Test Series Set_03 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GDS To MTS, Postman Exam Mock Test Series Set_03


GDS To MTS Exam Mock Test Paper. GDS To Postman Exam Mock Test Papers set_03.

1. Premature closure of Recurring Deposit account is permitted after how many years?

2. What is the minimum deposit required for a Post Office Savings Bank Account?

3. What is the maximum investment limit of a Time Deposit account?

4. Which of the following is incorrect about a Public Provident Fund account?

5. What is the interest rate of recently launched Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

6. Which of the following is incorrect regarding Direct Post?

7. Cash on delivery facility provides for collection of up to how much amount at the time delivery of consignments?

8. What is the cost of one sheet of “My Stamp” ?

9. A first class Head Office situated at the Headquarters of the Chief Postmaster General is termed as which of the following?

10. Who is the Chief Officer in-charge of a Postal Division?

11. Bag returned empty to UBO / DBO / CBO / PO are treated as;

12. The mail office which deals only with closed bags is called as

13. What is Post Bag?

14. What are the documents to be attached with the application for recall of articles?

15. A __________ article is a vernacular article on which the incorrect destination has been written in English by the office of posting

16. A returned Letter Office deals with ; I. Unclaimed and refused articles II. Redirected and recalled articles Choose the correct option

17. Which Clause of PO Guide Part I deals with “Method of addressing”?

18. Station bundles are prepared, ordinarily when the number of articles, either paid or unpaid for any office exceeds

19. Who is authorised to issue sanction for prepayment of postage in cash?

20. The weight of an un-registered parcel should not exceed

21. What is the purpose of the Base circle?

22. What percent of the other ranks of the APS are also drawn from the Dept of Post and the remaining personnel are recruited from army?

23. Generally what are the business hours in the principle post office on Saturdays for issue of money orders sale and payment of postal order saving bank and saving certificate transactions?

24. Who is the in charge of a R.M.S division?

25. Who will fix the working hours of Night Post Offices?

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