PLI RPLI Amendments MCQs | Quiz Questions and Answers on PLI RPLI Set [123] - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PLI RPLI Amendments MCQs | Quiz Questions and Answers on PLI RPLI Set [123]

MCQs on PLI RPLI Amendments. Postal Life Insurance (PLI) Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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1. In every case where a proposal for Postal Life Insurance or Rural Postal Life Insurance is submitted, the proposer need not undergo a medical examination by the prescribed medical authority where the proposal is up to sum assured of Rs. ______ in PLI

2. In every case where a proposal for Postal Life Insurance or Rural Postal Life Insurance is submitted, the proposer need not undergo a medical examination by the prescribed medical authority where the proposal is up to sum assured of Rs. ______ in RPLI

3. Non-Medical Policy/Policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold under the Non-Medical Scheme and age of proposer is not exceeding ______ years (in PLI) on next birthday

4. Non-Medical Policy/Policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold under the Non-Medical Scheme and age of proposer is not exceeding ______ years (in RPLI) on next birthday

5. a PLI policy upto Rs. _______of sum assured will be a non -medical policy irrespective of age limit

6. Total sum assured shall not exceed Rupees fifty Lakhs together with any Non-Medical or/and Medical policy/policies which the proposer may hold or proposes to hold. The medical history of the proponent should not reveal any adverse features, and the proponent is medically fit at the time of proposal and had not suffered with any chronic disease and hospitalized during the _______ years prior to the date of proposal

7. Maximum aggregated sum assured limit of non-medical RPLI policy/ies with non standard age proof will remain Rs. ______ only.

8. Void policy/lapsed policy can be revived by competent authority provided that the said policy has not attained the date of maturity and a period of consecutive _______ years has not passed from the date of first unpaid premium and the life assured is insurable at the time of revival.

9. The loan may be repaid at any time. It may also be paid in installments of amount not less than Rs. _____________

10. Interest will be charged at ________ per annum compounding half yearly from the date of disbursement of loan and should be paid on or before the dates specified in the loan bond and loan repayment receipt book.

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