GDS To MTS, Postman(PM) and Mail Guard(MG) Exam 2024 Model Papers,Mock Test Papers and Practice Papers.
1. PSB Comprise of______
2. Who is the present secretary of Department of posts?
3. Who is Director General Postal Services (DGPS) of DOP?
4. Who is the chairman of Postal Board?
5. One base circle named as Armed Postal Service for providing postal services to Armed Forces (99 Army Post Office) functioning at
6. One base circle named as Armed Postal Service for providing postal services to Armed Forces (56 Army Post Office) functioning at
7. Who is the head of the administrative control of DOP?
8. How many postal circles are in India?
9. Mention the circle in which Pondicherry union Territory is situated and its headquarters
10. Mention the circle in which Andaman and Nicobar islands union Territory are situated and its head
11. How many Members are there in PSB?
12. Mention the circle in which Sikkim is situated and its headquarters
13. Mention the circle in which Daman & Diu, Dadra Nagar, Haveli Union Territory are situated and its headquarters.
14. The union territory of Daman and Diu is under the administrative control of..
15. Mobile post office is defined in the Rule No _____ of P.O. Guide Part -I
16. Mention the circle in which Goa Union Territory is situated and its headquarters?
17. Who may extend the working hours of post offices upto 08:30 pm and keep them open on Sunday also?
18. Rule governing Business Hours is __________
19. Genrally what are the business hours in the principle post office on normal week days for sale of postage stamps and stationeries?
20. Hours of Business of a post office and RMS office shows
21. Mention the cirle in which Manipur state is situated and its headquarters
22. The Postal Department is under the administrative control of___________
23. PSB stands for_____
24. Who is the permanent invitee to Postal Services Board?
25. On_____The Post Office Act, 2023 has been notified after recieving the assent of President of India
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