Relive Shri S M Ranganath from the post of ASP forthwith to report for duty as SPOs
No. R-11/1/2024-SPG-II-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (SPG-II Section) New Delhi, the 12th June, 2024 ORDER Download Relive Shri S M Ranganath from the post of ASP forthwith to report for duty as SPOs in PDF
In compliance of Order dated 05.03.2024 of Hon’ble CAT, Bangalore Bench in OA No.142/2023, it has been decided in consultation with Department of Legal Affairs to rescind the Order No.9-27/2019-SPG-II dated 23.02.2023 and the letter No.9-21/2020-SPG-II dated 06.01.2023 (copy enclosed). Accordingly, CPMG, Karnataka Circle is directed to relive Shri S M Ranganath from the post of ASP forthwith to report for duty as SPOs, Yadgiri, as per the transfer and posting order No.NKR/STA-2/310/2022 dated 08.06.2022 issued by the Karnataka Circle.
This has the approval of Director General Postal Services.
No. 9-21/2020-SPG-II. Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg New Delhi— 110 001. Dated : 6th January, 2023.
Subject: Permitting officials to write PS Group B Limited Departmental Competitive Examination held on 29.11.2020 — Regarding.
I am directed to refer to this office letter of even number dated 28.05.2020 and Karnataka Circle letter no. R&E/1-86/2017-18, 2018 & 2019 dated 04.02.2020 on the aforesaid subject.
2. In this regard, it is stated that the matter has been re-visited, wherein it is observed that:
2.1. Shri S M Ranganath was declared qualified for promotion as Inspector of Posts through IP Exam - 2011 in compliance of order of Hon'ble CAT Bangalore. Subsequently, he was given all consequential benefits without back wages and promoted to IP Cadre w.e.f. 15.05.2012 (notionally) and w.e.f. 01.04.2019 (actually).
2.2. Department considered ‘qualifying service’ as part of consequential benefits awarded by Hon’ble CAT, Bangalore and promoted Shri Ranganath to ASP cadre on 02.12.2019. Once, the officer was given benefits of qualifying service for IP cadre under ‘consequential benefits’, the same shall be counted for qualifying service for higher promotions. Therefore, Shri Ranganath was eligible for PS Gr B LDCE under IP line quota of 19% as his seniority was already decided in IP line as per para 2.1 above.
3. In view of above, it has been decided that Shri Ranganath and other similarly placed candidates are eligible to appear in the said PS Gr.‘B’ LDCE against 19% quota earmarked for IP line candidates.
4. This issues with the approval of Director General Postal Services being the appointing authority of PS Gr. B cadre.
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