MSSC MCQs | Mahila Samman Savings Certificate (MSSC) Multiple Choice Qusetions & Answers with Quiz | MCQ set 117
MSSC (Mahila Samman Savings Certificate) MCQs.Multiple Choice Questions and answers on MSSC(Mahila Samman Savings Certificate). Our materials include Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), concise Short Notes, professionally crafted PowerPoint presentations (PPTs), and downloadable PDF documents. Additionally, we provide interactive Quizzes, Online Tests, and Mock Tests to facilitate thorough preparation for postal examinations, including but not limited to LDCE IPO Exam, PS Group B Exam, LGO Exams, and GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Guard/PA/SA Exams within the postal department.
1. MSSC (Mahila Samman Savings Certificate) scheme was introduced through SB order number__________
A SB Order 08/2022
B SB Order 07/2022
C SB Order 06/2023
D SB Order 05/2023
2. What shall be the maximum limit of amount deposit allowed in MSSC Account?
A ₹50000
B ₹100000
C ₹200000
D ₹250000
3. What is the rate of interest delclared for MSSC Account?
A 6.9%
B 7.3%
C 7.5%
D 8.2%
4. The MSSC account holder shall be eligible to withdraw for maximum up to ________per cent of the eligible balance once after the expiry of one year from the date of opening of the account
A 25
B 30
C 40
D 50
5. Premature closure of MSSC account may be permitted, anytime after the completion of ________-months from the date of opening of account.
A Three
B Six
C Nine
D Twelve
6. In case of premature closure of MSSC account, shall be eligible only for the interest rate less by _______per cent points than the rate specified for this scheme
A One
B One and Half
C Two
D Nil
7. What is the agency charge payable by Govt to DOP for each physical application reciept for MSSC Account open?
A ₹10
B ₹25
C ₹40
D ₹50
8. What is deposit range in MSSC account ? Minimum of rupees _______ and in multiple of rupees one hundred
A One Hundred
B Two Hundred
C Five Hundred
D One Thousand
9. Account opened or deposit made in-contravention of rules will be eligible for interest @ __________
A Sukanya Samruddi Account
B Recurring Deposit Account
C Savings Bank Account
D No Interest
10. After how many years from the date of opening of MSSC account? eligible balance will be paid to the depositor
A One
B Two
C Three
D Four
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