Linkage of CGHS Beneficiary ID with Ayushman Bharat Health Account ID (ABHA ID) - Keeping in abeyance
F No 44/88/MCTC/CGHS/2024 /DIR Govt. of India Min. of Health & Family Welfare Directorate of CGHS CGHS Bhawan, RK Puram -Sector-13, New Delhi. Dated the June , 2024 OFFICE MEMORANDUM
Subject: Keeping in abeyance the Implementation of OM dated 28.03.2024 regarding linkage linkage of CGHS Beneficiary ID with ABHA ID
Reference is invited to the Office Memorandum No Z 15025/23/ 2023/ DIR/ CGHS dated the 28.03.2024 vide which Linkage of CGHS Beneficiary ID with Ayushman Bharat Health Account ID (ABHA ID) has been made mandatory and to state that the matter has been reviewed in the Ministry and the undersigned is directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority that the implementation of the above referred OM dated 28.03.2024 is kept in abeyance till further orders.
Linkage of CGHS Ben ID with Ayushman Bharat Health Account ID (ABHA ID) is made voluntary/ Optional till further orders.
(Dr. Satheesh YH)
Director, CGHS
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