GDS Condonation of period of irregular retention beyond 65 years - Delegation of powers

By Admin

Subject : Condonation of period of irregular retention beyond 65 years of GDS — Delegation of powers.

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No. 18-05/2024-GDS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi - 110 001 Dated: 05.06.2024 OFFICE MEMORANDUM

Attention is drawn to this Directorate's letters no. Lr. no. 40-9/82-Pen., dated 26.06.1982, Lr. no. 18-36/97-ED & TRG dated 13.11.2001 and Lr. no. 18-41/2002- GDS dated 05.12.2003 whereby instruction for condonation of period of irregular retention beyond 65 years of service of GDS were issued.

2. As per the existing instructions, the cases of condonation of period of over- stayal/retention of GDS beyond 65 year has to be forwarded to this directorate. This causes delay in settlement of the terminal benefits available to the GDS. Therefore, in order to avoid delay in payments of terminal benefits to GDS on this account, in supersession of the previous instructions, it has been decided to delegate the power for condonation, subject to following terms and conditions:

i) In the cases where 100% recovery of the overpaid allowances has been made, i.e., the allowances paid to the GDSs for the period of their employment beyond 65 years of age has been made from the GDS overstayed/official at fault, the Head of Region/Head of Circle will be competent to condone the overstayal of the GDS beyond 65 years of age.

ii) In the cases where 100% recovery of the overpaid allowances cannot be made, i.e., allowances paid to the GDSs for the period of their employment beyond 65 years of age, cannot be made from the GDS overstayed/official at fault, the Head of Circle will be competent to condone the overstayal of the GDS beyond 65 years and unrecovered amount of overpaid allowances in consultation with CIFA.

iil) Necessary administrative/disciplinary action may be taken against the officer/official found responsible for over retention of a GDS beyond 65 years of age.

iv) Till the period is condoned, the payment of terminal benefits will not be made. Upon condonation, the overstayal period condoned will, however, not be reckoned for the purpose of calculation of terminal benefits.

3. Further, on any reference sent to this directorate for condonation on the above grounds in the past, which has not been decided yet, the circles may take decision as per provisions of this O.M.

4. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

5. Hindi version will follow

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