Clarification with regard to delegation of powers for redeployment of posts to the Department of Posts(DOP)
No. Q-25/4/2024-PE-I-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PE-I Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi — 110001 Dated: 27 May, 2024
Subject: Clarification with regard to delegation of powers for redeployment of posts to the Department of Posts.
In pursuance of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure U.O. No. 2246-E.Coord/93 dated 05.08.1993 this Directorate vide letter no. 2-2/93-PE-I dated 07.09.1993 delegated powers for redeployment of Group C and ‘D’ posts to Chief Postmasters General (with the concurrence of their IFA). Simultaneously powers for re-deployment of Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ posts were entrusted to Postal Services Board (PSB) with the concurrence of FA(Posts).
2. Further, vide this office letter no. Q-25/39/2022-PE-I-DOP dated 22.09.2022, all HoCs were assigned powers to redeploy all Group B posts (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted), with the concurrence of CIFA, in addition to Group C and D (now Group C) posts. Earlier, these delegated powers were further extended to Circles and PSB vide DoP letter no. 13-05/2015-PE‘I (Pt.) dated 14.06.2019, in pursuance of DoE OM dated 16.01.2019.
3. Recently, the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, vide its O. M. No. 7(1)/E.Coord-I/2017 dated 05.01.2024 issued a compendium of instructions for Creation, Revival, Continuation, Conversion, Transfer, Upgradation, Down-gradation and Abolition of posts under Central Government in supersession of all previous instructions/orders. Para 2.2 of the said O.M states that any specific exemption allowed to any Ministry or Department on creation, revival, continuation, conversion, transfer, up- gradation and down-gradation of posts is also withdrawn except for delegations contained in Appnedix-I. Name of the Ministry/Department, to whom specific powers/exemptions has been granted, are mentioned in Appendix-1. As name of Department of Posts was not included in the said Appendix, the matter was taken up with Department of Expenditure.
4. Now DoE vide its ID No. 3601623/E.Coord.1/2024 dated 17.05.2024 (copy enclosed) has clarified that specific exemptions, granted to D/o Posts vide their U.O. dated 05.08.1993 and further extended vide O.M. dated 16.01.2019 for deployment of Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts will continue in terms of their instructions dated 05.01.2024.
5. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
6. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
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