Child Care Leave (CCL) - Short Notes
Child Care Leave (CCL) - Short Notes
- Eligibility: Available to female employees and single male employees.
- Duration: Maximum 730 days during entire service.
- Frequency: Can be availed in up to three spells in a calendar year; single mothers can take it in up to six spells.
- Children Covered: For the care of two eldest surviving children.
- Child Age: Applicable if child is below 18 years; no age limit for children with minimum 40% disability/mentally challenged.
- Minimum Duration: Each spell of CCL should be for a minimum of 5 days.
- Salary Payment:
- First 365 days: Full salary is paid.
- Next 365 days: 80% of salary is paid.
- Leave Account: Not debited to any leave account.
- Combination with Other Leaves: Can be combined with other types of leave for up to one year.
- Holidays: Holidays falling during CCL are counted as CCL.
- Application: Requires prior sanction; cannot proceed without approval.
- Documentation: Supporting documents may be required (e.g., birth certificate, medical certificate for disabled children).
- Discretionary: Granting of CCL is subject to organizational policies and operational requirements.
- Rejoining Duty: Employees must rejoin duty immediately after the expiry of sanctioned CCL.
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