Stopping of manual POSB disbursement voucher posting in respect of PLI CSI GL integration
F. No. 46-3/2019-LI Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Directorate of Postal Life Insurance Chanakyapuri PO Complex, New Delhi-1 10021 Dated 02.05.2024 All the Heads of Circles,
I am directed to convey that PLI CSI-GL integration has been successfully rolled out in ‘Tamil Nadu Circle from 22"° April’2024, In next phase Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Chattisgarh is scheduled to roll out from 3rd May, 2024.
I this regard itis reiterated that since Bangaluru GPO of Kamataka Circle is nodal Office for pan India POSB disbursement voucher posting and is going to be integrated, the GL extraction of Bengaluru GPO / Karnataka Circle will contain the relevant adjustment entries in the file, there is no need to post the POSB disbursement / adjustment entries manually. Hence, all manual voucher postings hither to prescribed for POSB credit adjustment should be stopped by all post offices in pan india from today i.e 02nd May, 2024 itself.
In view of above, itis requested to kindly issue necessary instructions to all the concerns to follow the above instruction for smooth roll out of PLI CSI GL integration. ‘This may be treated as Most Urgent.
This has the approval of competent authority.
(Sahabuddin Laksar)
Accounts Officer (PLI)
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