PLI RPLI Service Reuests All Forms in PDF
Navigating PLI/RPLI Service Requests: A Comprehensive Guide. Download PLI RPLI Service Reuests Forms in PDFnull
Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) offer valuable financial protection and investment opportunities for individuals across India. However, managing policies effectively often involves handling various service requests. Understanding the documentation requirements for different requests is crucial for a smooth experience. Here's a detailed guide on the documents needed for different PLI/RPLI service requests:
1. Maturity:
- Application form
- Original Policy Document/Indemnity Bond
- Premium Receipt Book/Pay Recovery certificate (last 6 months)
- Self-Attested copy of ID and Address Proof
- Self-Attested copy of POSB passbook
- Loan Receipt Book (if applicable)
2. Survival Benefit:
- Documents may vary. Check with your provider.
3. Surrender:
- Surrender Application form
- Original Policy Document/Indemnity Bond
- Premium Receipt Book/Pay Recovery certificate (last 6 months)
- Self-Attested copy of ID and Address Proof
- Self-Attested copy of POSB passbook
- Loan Receipt Book (if applicable)
4. Loan:
- Application form
- Self-attested copy of Original Policy Document
- Premium Receipt Book/Pay Recovery certificate (last 6 months)
- Self-Attested copy of ID and Address Proof
- Self-Attested copy of POSB passbook
- Self-Attested copy of Identity & Address Proof of Witness
5. Revival:
- Application form with Medical Certificate
- Premium Receipt Book/Pay Recovery certificate up to the last pay drawn
6. Fresh Premium Receipt Book:
- Application form
- Old/Used Up Premium receipt book
7. Duplicate Premium Receipt Book:
- Application form
- Receipt for Duplicate PRB Fee Rs.20/-
8. Duplicate Policy Document:
- Insurant’s request letter
- Receipt for Duplicate Bond Fee Rs.100/- (Active/Lapsed Policies)
- Indemnity Bond on Rs.200/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper + Self-Attested copy of ID/Address Proof (Matured Policies)
9. Billing Method Change:
- Application form
- Original Policy Document
- Premium Receipt Book/Pay Recovery certificate (last 6 months)
- Self-Attested copy of ID/Address Proof
10. Billing Frequency Change:
- Application form
- Original Policy Document
- Premium Receipt Book
- Self-Attested copy of ID/Address Proof
11. Address Change:
- Application form
- Original Policy Document
- Premium Receipt Book
- Self-Attested copy of ID/Address Proof
12. Name Change:
- Application form
- Original Policy Document
- Premium Receipt Book
- Self-Attested copy of Gazette Notification
- Self-Attested copy of Identity Proof
13. Nomination Change:
- Application form
- Original Policy Document
- Self-Attested copy of Identity Proof of Insurant and Nominee
14. Conversion (WLA to EA, CWLA to EA, Alteration in Maturity Age):
- Application form
- Original Policy Document
- Premium Receipt Book
- Medical certificate (if applicable)
- Self-Attested copy of Identity Proof
15. Commutation (Reduction in Premium or Sum Assured):
- Application form
- Original Policy Document
- Premium Receipt Book
- Self-Attested copy of Identity Proof
16. Mobile Number/Email ID Updation:
- Application form
17. Income Tax Statement:
- Application form
18. Death Claim:
- Application form
- Original Policy Document/Indemnity Bond
- Premium Receipt Book/Pay Recovery certificate (last 6 months)
- Self-Attested copy of Death Certificate
- Cause of Death issued by Village Panchayat/Medical Practitioner or Certificate from Doctor who last attended the Insurant
- Self-Attested copy of ID and Address Proof of claimant
- Self-Attested copy of POSB passbook (Claimant)
- Loan Receipt Book (if applicable)
(For Un-Natural Death: Additional documentation is required as specified)
Managing your PLI/RPLI policies involves various administrative tasks, and ensuring you have the right documentation ready can streamline the process. Always double-check with your provider for any specific requirements or updates to their procedures. By staying organized and informed, you can make the most of your insurance policies and financial investments.
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