Instructions to the field units regarding the enhancement of various allowances on account of revision of rates of Dearness Allowance
BHARATIYA POSTAL EMPLOYEES FEDERATION (An All India Industrial Unit of BMS) Central Head Quarter: T-21, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001 Ref: BPEF/Revision of Allowances digs Dated 18.04.2024
Subject: Request to reiterate the standing instructions to revise the allowances suo moto in accordance with enhanced rates of DA
Reference 1: MOF, DoE OM No. 2/5/2017-E.II(8) dated 07.07.2017 Reference 2: MOF, DoE OM No. 19030/1/2017-E IV dated 13.07.2017 Reference 3: DOPT OM No. A.27012/02/2017-Estt (AL) dated 17.7.2017
Respected Sir,
A kind reference is invited to the above-mentioned subject. Vide the above OM dated 07.07.2017, it is clarified that the rates of HRA will be revised to 27%, 18% & 9% for X, Y & Z Glass cities respectively when Dearness Allowance (DA) crosses 25%, and further revised to 30%, 20% & 10% when DA crosses 50%.
In Annexure of the above-mentioned OM dated 13.07.2017 at point 'E (i) to E(iv)', it is duly clarified that the ceiling for reimbursement of Hotel/Traveling/Food Allowance on Tour will further rise by 25 percent whenever DA increases by 50 percent.
Vide DOPT OM dated 17.7.2017, it is clarified that CEA & Hostel Subsidy rates/ceiling would be automatically raised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowances on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.
Despite clear instructions, the above-said enhancement of various allowances on account of the revision of rates of Dearness allowances were not effected suo moto by the field units, resulting in delay/underpayment of allowances to the employees.
Hence, this federation requests the Secretary Posts to please issue standing instructions to the field units to revise such allowances suo moto in accordance with the enhanced rate of DA without waiting/requiring for separate orders to enhance the allowances every time from the Postal Directorate or nodal ministries.
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