Extension of Timelines for Submission of Self-Appraisal in Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) for Central Civil Services - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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India Post

Extension of Timelines for Submission of Self-Appraisal in Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) for Central Civil Services

Extension of Timelines for Submission of Self-Appraisal in Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) for Central Civil Services

The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India, has issued an Office Memorandum regarding the extension of timelines for the submission of self-appraisal in Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) for the year 2023-24.

In reference to the Department’s earlier communication (OM No.21011/01/2005-Estt.(A)(Pt.11) dated 23.07.2009) concerning the preparation and maintenance of APARs, the following extension has been decided:

1. Extension Details:

The timelines for submission of self-appraisal in the APAR by the Officer Reported Upon have been extended from 15th April to 30th April.

2. Additional Information:

The other timelines, as prescribed in Annexure III of the Department of Personnel & Training’s OM No. 21011/01/2005-Estt.(A)(Pt.ID) dated 23.07.2009, shall remain unchanged.

This extension is attributed to the forthcoming Lok Sabha Elections, prompting the need for adjusted timelines.

For any further clarifications, concerned authorities are advised to refer to the official communication issued by the Directorate.


(S. P. Pant)


All Ministries / Departments / Cadre Controlling Authorities of the Government of India


AIS Division, DoPT, North Block, New Delhi

NIC, for uploading on DoPT website

This memorandum serves to ensure compliance and adherence to the revised timelines for the submission of self-appraisal in APARs, facilitating efficient performance assessment within the Central Civil Services.

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