DARPAN Rollout Procedure | DARPAN Android App (DARPAN 2.0.1) Rollout Procedure
As per Dte PBI Dn L. No. 6-10 / 2018-PBI dated 28/03/2024, IPPB is pushing MDM/ App to the circles at the schedules as detailed therein.
RB Dn is requested to instruct CSI to share the Closing Balance of the BOs to CEPT for the rollout of identified circles, before 1100 hours of rollout date identified by RB Dn. So that CEPT can update the portal with latest Closing Balance by 1130 hours on the same day and activate the users for doing transactions immediately. Hence there won't be any disruption of services.
The detailed preparatory activity is given below :
1. Branch post Offices to return the stamps, Undelivered Accountable Articles, eMOs to the concerned Account Office duly mentioning in the Branch office Daily Account on the previous day of roll out date.
2. BPM to ensure that physical closing balance tallies with the CSI system balance with the help of Account Office.
3. Division office should ensure that all data are transmitted to CSI from the device and account is tallied in all respects using the CSI login of SAP. In case of discrepancies between the CSI OB and manual BO OB, Divisions should reconcile manually the same at their end and ensure that OB tallied with CSI OB.
4. IPPB to push / install the SureMDM / DARPAN App ( latest version is available by 2000 hours of 01/04/2024 ) to identified Branch Post Offices prior to the Roll out Schedule ie., before 1000 hours of rollout date.
5. After completion of all the process, once BPM completes the initial Login after Closing Balance updation by CEPT in the portal, the Branch Post Office will be treated as rolled out to DARPAN Android Application.
6. RB Dn is requested to ensure that CSI is sharing the Closing Balance data before 1100 hours on the rollout date to the following email address ( adceptmysuru@indiapost.gov.in / darpanrollout.cept @indiapost.gov.in)
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