Calendar of Departmental Examinations (DOP) scheduled to be held in the year 2024 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Calendar of Departmental Examinations (DOP) scheduled to be held in the year 2024

No. 3-09/2022/PACE/ DEK) FO -32)D Government of India Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, PA Wing, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 02.04.2024 Office Memorandum

Sub: Calendar of Departmental Examinations (Postal) scheduled to be held in the year 2024-reg.

Please find enclosed Calendar of Departmental Examinations pertaining to Postal Accounts offices (Annexure-A) to be held in the year 2024.

2. The Circle PAOs will conduct the Departmental Examinations as mentioned in the Annexure-A. Necessary orders for setting of question papers for the said Examinations from the selected panel will be issued separately by the Head of the PAOs concerned. The Notification of holding the examination and calling for applications will have to be issued by the PAOs well in time as per the prescribed time limit of 40 days and the number of vacancies must be invariably indicated category-wise for the examinations as per the existing Recruitment Rules. In case where no vacancy exists or the Examination is not likely to be held for any other reason(s), the fact should be brought to the notice of PA Wing, DoP HQ.

3 The examinations shall be conducted as per the SOP issued vide this office OM No.3-09/2021-PACE/Exam/DE/10228 to 10250 dated 06.01.2022. Further the officials on temporary attachment at DoP HQ or any other unit or on Deputation to any other department shall be allowed to appear in the exam in their respective unit.

4. It may also be ensured that the Time Schedule, as indicated in the columns of the Annexure- A are strictly adhered to and timely action is taken at all stages. Results should be declared within the period specified already. In case of delay in the announcement of the result, the reasons for delay and the measures that may be taken to avoid such delays in future may be brought to the notice of PA Wing DoP HQ,

5. Contents of this letter may be circulated to all for information.

This issues with the approval of Competent AuthorityA

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