PS Group B promotion List (ZoC List) 2024 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PS Group B promotion List (ZoC List) 2024

Promotion Procedure for PS Group ‘B’ Cadre within the Indian Postal Service.

Download Promotion to PS Group ‘B’ Cadre (ZoC) against vacancies for the year 2024 in PDF

In a recent Office Memorandum (No. 09/02/2024-SPG-II) issued by the Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, Government of India, detailed instructions have been provided regarding the promotion process to the PS Group ‘B’ cadre for the vacancy year 2024. This memorandum aims to ensure a transparent and fair promotion process, outlining specific guidelines and procedures to be followed by Circles/Units and concerned officials. Let’s delve into the comprehensive details of the outlined promotion procedure:

1. Tentative Zone of Consideration (ZoC):

The memorandum establishes a tentative Zone of Consideration (ZoC) for promotion through the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) to the PS Group ‘B’ cadre for the vacancy year 2024. The ZoC has been formulated based on seniority lists issued by the SPN-II Section. Notably, the names of IP Line officials have been excluded from the list. Any discrepancies or omissions concerning the details of officials within the ZoC are to be promptly reported to the SPN-II section.

2. Furnishing Information:

Circles/Units are instructed to provide detailed information regarding officials included in the tentative ZoC-2024 as per the prescribed formats provided in the memorandum. This includes:

Submission of copies of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) dossiers, duly attested by the Assistant Postmaster General (APMG) or Assistant Director (AD) responsible for staff matters.

Mentioning the latest vigilance status of officials, categorizing them as either "Clear" or "Not Clear."

Providing final APAR gradings of officials in MS Excel format, adhering to the specified format.

Ensuring the accuracy of information for SC/ST candidates, with an undertaking as per Part-B of the prescribed annexure.

Furnishing copies of all orders/charge-sheets mentioned in the provided formats.

3. Additional Considerations:

Vigilance Status Accuracy: Circles/Units are reminded to verify the accuracy of vigilance statuses provided and confirm the current posting status of officers included in the ZoC.

Notable Officer Movements: Any officers who have already been promoted or are no longer in the IP Line due to reasons such as Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS), death, deputation, dismissal, etc., should be duly noted, accompanied by relevant records.

Cross-Circle/Unit Information Sharing: In cases where officers are currently working in Circles/Units different from those indicated in the tentative ZoC, the concerned Circle may provide the required information without further reference to the central office.

4. Conclusion:

The memorandum underscores the meticulous nature of the promotion process, emphasizing the significance of accurate and comprehensive data submission. Adherence to the outlined guidelines and timelines is crucial to ensure a smooth and efficient promotion process for eligible candidates to the PS Group ‘B’ cadre within the Indian Postal Service. By following these detailed procedures, the Department of Posts aims to maintain transparency and integrity in the promotion process, thereby fostering a conducive work environment for its employees.

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