Mandatory update of user profiles on iGOTkarmayogi platform by employees / MDO concerned upon leaving/joining on transfer etc - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Mandatory update of user profiles on iGOTkarmayogi platform by employees / MDO concerned upon leaving/joining on transfer etc

Enhancing Government Workforce Capacity through iGOTkarmayogi Platform: Mandatory User Profile Updates

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The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Government of India, has underscored the pivotal role of Mission Karmayogi in enhancing the capacity of government employees. In a recent Office Memorandum dated 20th March 2024, the Department of Personnel & Training highlights the imperative of ensuring the mandatory update of user profiles on the iGOTkarmayogi platform by employees upon changes in organizational affiliations due to transfers, deputations, repatriations, and other exigencies.

Mission Karmayogi is dedicated to providing role-based capacity building for government employees, facilitated through the iGOTkarmayogi platform. The initiative is driven by the Capacity Building Commission and the Special Purpose Vehicle, Karmayogi Bharat, which are actively involved in evolving a competency-based capacity building ecosystem. This ecosystem encompasses the preparation of Annual Capacity Building Plans tailored to the competency requirements of officials, ensuring the delivery of appropriate capacity building products.

To effectively execute the mandate of Mission Karmayogi, it is incumbent upon every government employee to update their user profile on promptly whenever there is a change in organizational affiliation. This could include instances such as transfers, deputations, or repatriations. The updated user profile plays a critical role in delivering the key objectives of Mission Karmayogi, which is aimed at providing role-based training to government employees.

To ensure compliance with this directive, all Ministries/Departments/Organizations (MDOs) are requested to mandate the update of user profiles of their employees on the iGOTkarmayogi platform. Furthermore, it is suggested that updating the iGOT profile be included as a checklist item for issuing a No Objection Certificate (NOC) to a government employee before being relieved from the MDO.

This directive emphasizes the importance of maintaining accurate and up-to-date user profiles on the iGOTkarmayogi platform, as it directly contributes to the effective implementation of Mission Karmayogi. By adhering to this requirement, government employees can actively participate in role-based capacity building initiatives, ultimately enhancing their skills and competencies to better serve the nation.

Zachariah Thomas

Under Secretary to the Government of India

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