GDSFU (Gramin Dak Sevaks Financial Upgradation Scheme) 2024 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GDSFU (Gramin Dak Sevaks Financial Upgradation Scheme) 2024

Gramin Dak Sevaks (Grant of Financial Upgradation) Scheme, 2024. GDSFU Scheme 2024.

Download GDSFU Scheme 2024 in PDF

1. Scheme Name:

The scheme shall be known as the Gramin Dak Sevaks (Grant of Financial Upgradation) Scheme, 2024, abbreviated as GDSFU.

2. Applicability:

The scheme applies to all Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) engaged on a regular basis in accordance with the GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, as amended from time to time.

3. Benefits:

Under the GDSFU scheme, GDSs will receive fixed additions to their Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) upon completion of 12, 24, and 36 years of continuous engagement.

Rs. 360/- per month on completing 12 years of continuous engagement.

Rs. 460/- per month on completing 24 years of continuous engagement.

Rs. 600/- per month on completing 36 years of continuous engagement.

These fixed additions are supplementary to the TRCA and are not subject to Dearness Allowance or annual increases in TRCA.

4. Continuous Engagement:

Breaks in engagement, such as unauthorized absence or put off duty periods, may interrupt the continuous engagement period unless condoned by the competent authority. The period of absence or put off duty, if condoned, will not be considered a break in continuous engagement but will not count towards determining the length of continuous engagement.

5. Screening Committee:

A screening committee comprising three members of Dy. SP/ASP(HQ)/Inspector level will be constituted to review cases for financial upgradation. The committee will meet twice a year to consider cases maturing in the respective halves of the calendar year.

6. Guidelines for the Screening Committee:

The screening committee will ensure that GDSs have completed prescribed refresher training on the Dak Karamyogi e-learning platform. Cases involving disciplinary or criminal proceedings, put off duty, or the currency of penalties other than 'censure' will not be recommended for financial upgradation.

7. Representation:

GDSs dissatisfied with the decision of the screening committee or divisional head regarding non-grant of financial upgradation may submit a representation to the next higher authority within three months from such rejection.

8. GDSs Working on Departmental Posts/APS/IPPB etc:

GDSs working on departmental posts/APS/IPPB etc., are eligible for benefits under the scheme upon completion of the requisite period of engagement. Their cases will be considered by the screening committee, and the addition to TRCA will be allowed once they are repatriated to their original/alternative post of GDS.

9. Illustrations:

The scheme provides detailed illustrations for the first, second, and third financial upgradations, along with examples of annual increases.

This scheme aims to recognize the dedication and commitment of Gramin Dak Sevaks and provide them with a structured pathway for financial growth, ensuring their welfare and motivation in serving rural communities across India.

Ravi Pahwa

Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC/PAP)

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