GDS Handbook by Shankar Prasad | A Handbook for Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) by Shankar Prasad
A Handbook for Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) by Shankar Prasad. Download GDS Handbook by Shankar Prasad in PDF
Chapter 1: Department of
Posts, Gramin Dak Sevaks (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2020
- Short Title and Commencement
- Application
- Definitions
- Terms and conditions of engagement
- Eligibility Criteria for Engagement to Gramin Dak
Sevaks Posts
- Age limit
- Educational Qualification
- Residence
- Knowledge of Cycling
- Adequate means of Livelihood
- Furnishing Security
- Fulfillment of other terms and conditions
- Adequate representation of SC/ST/OBC, Person with
Disability (PwD) and Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs)
- Production of SC/ST/OBC/Disability/Economically
Weaker Sections
- Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA)
- Fixation formula of TRCA
- Different types of allowances payable to GDS
- Combined duty at Single handed Branch Office
- Addition to GDS engaged as Postman/ Mail Guard/MTS
- Period of Engagement
Chapter 2: Procedure of
engagement on GDS Posts
- How to apply
- Procedure of fee payment
- Uploading of documents
- Selection of Division & Preferences
- Selection criteria
- Selection of verifying authority
- Communications of selection
- SOP for Pre-engagement and Joining post engagement
Chapter 3: Alternate
employment to GDS
Chapter 4: Transfer of GDS
Chapter 5: Substitute
arrangements in place of regular Gramin Dak Sevaks
Chapter 6: Method for
calculation of income
Chapter 7: Branch Post Office Income Enhancement Plan
- Roadmap to commensurate revenue contributions from
- Annexure-1 Target for Single handed BO
- Annexure-2 Target for Double handed BO
- Annexure-3 Target for Triple handed BO
- Annexure-4 Monthly statement on BO Income
Enhancement Plan
Chapter 8: Training to GDS
Chapter 9: Gramin Dak Sevaks
(Compassionate Engagement) Scheme, 2023
Chapter 10: Circle Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sevaks
Chapter 11: Service Discharge
Benefit Scheme, 2011
Chapter 12: Children Education
Facilitation Allowance for Gramin Dak Sevaks
Chapter 13: Gramin Dak Sevaks
Group Insurance Scheme, 2010
Chapter 14: Revision of Time Related Continuity Allowances (TRCA)
Chapter 15: Extracts of
Recruitment Rules from GDS to MTS
Chapter 16: Extracts of
Recruitment Rules from GDS to Postman and Mail Guard
Chapter 17: Pattern, Criteria and Syllabus of examination for appointment to the posts of MTS, Postman/Mail Guard
Chapter 18: Extracts of
Recruitment Rules of Postal Assistant (Circle Offices and Regional Offices),
Postal Assistant (Foreign Post), Postal Assistant (SBCO), Postal Assistant
(Post Office), Sorting Assistant (RMS) applicable to Gramin Dak Sevak
Chapter 19: Pattern, Criteria
and Syllabus of competitive examination limited to Postman/Mail Guard/MTS/GDS
for appointment to the posts of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant
Chapter 20: Local Language Examination for MTS/Postman/Mail Guard/Assistants
Chapter 21: Qualifying mark in papers I,II,III and Dest Examination
Chapter 22: Reservation to PwBDs and EWS
Appendix: Forms/Schedules
- Notice for Voluntary Discharge from engagement of
Gramin Dak Sevak
- Form for Voluntary Discharge from engagement of
Gramin Dak Sevak on medical ground
- Schedule of Engaging Authority
- Undertaking to be given by candidate shortlisted for
engagement through online process
- Submission of documents for verification for
engagement formalities
- Undertaking/declaration regarding knowledge of
- Declaration regarding knowledge of cycling
- Declaration regarding adequate means of livelihood
- Undertaking/declaration regarding correctness of
details furnished
- Application for transfer of Gramin Dak Sevak
- Est-5 (proforma for value return)
- Est-6(a) -Income and cost calculation
- Application form for joining the Circle Welfare
Fund for GDS
- Application for financial assistance from Circle
Welfare Fund for GDS
- Proforma for submission of case to Directorate for
financial assistance beyond the powers of PMG/CPMG in cases of illness of
- Proforma for grant of financial assistance in cases
of natural
- Application form for grant of loan for construction
of room for housing the Branch Post office
- Form of Security Bond for loan
- Application form for grant of loan for purchase of
Moped/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Laptop/Computer
- Option form for Service Discharge Benefit Scheme,
- Application form for seeking closure Permanent
- Application form for seeking exit/ closure of
Permanent Retirement Account under SDBS due to resignation
- Nomination form for Service Discharge Benefit
Scheme, 2011
- Nomination under GDS Group Insurance (When GDS has
- Nomination under GDS Group Insurance (When GDS has
no family)
- Proforma-Il Points for revision of TRCA of GDSBPM
- Data statement for fixation of consolidated
allowances of GDSBPM
- Revised proforma-lll for consolidation of
allowances of GDSBPM (Mail Delivery)
- Revised proforma-lll for consolidation of
allowances of GDSBPM (Mail Carrier)
- Revised proforma-lll for consolidation of
allowances of Dak Sevak
Author's Note: The author,
Shankar Prasad, shares his insights and experiences gained during his
illustrious career spanning over four decades in the Department of Posts,
India. Through this memoir, he reflects on the challenges, achievements, and
the transformative journey of the postal service during his tenure.
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