Various issues raised by Small Savings Agents Association (POSB) in Post Office (DOP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Various issues raised by Small Savings Agents Association (POSB) in Post Office (DOP)

FS-12/12/2023-FS-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Financial Services Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi -110001 Dated: 22.02.2024 To, All Head of Circles

Subject: Regarding various issues raised by Small Savings Agents Association.

Download Various issues raised by Small Savings Agents Association (POSB) in Post Office (DOP)

This is regarding a VIP reference pertaining to various issues raised by Small Savings Agents Association.

2. Vide reference, various issues have been raised by Agents Association in which directions have already been issued by the Directorate. However, following directions already issued are again brought to notice of all concerned.

i. A TDS certificate in the Form No. 16 A is to be issued quarterly for TDS deducted on Agent commission by TDS deductors. (Refer: Rule 3 (iv) of Appendix 12 of POSB CBS Manual 2021)

ii. At the time of closure of any TDA type of account (RD,TD,MIS,SCSS,KVP and NSC), only single and double handed post offices (including BOs) shall collect closed passbook from the account holder (Refer: para 5 (b) of SB order no. 01/2022).

iii. In case any CBS Post Office is not working due to network failure or any other issues, the collection of SAS/MPKBY agents may be accepted in other CBS Post Office (HO/SO) under the same Head Post Office. (Refer: Rule 170 (2) of POSB CBS Manual 2021)

iv. A separate business hour for acceptance of business from agents during the business hours of the post offices shall be fixed by the authority competent to issue Notice of Hours of Business, according to the local convenience of the post office, in order to ensure that the agents can come and transact their business during these hours. It should be ensured that under no circumstances, service to the general public is affected due to fixing of separate business hours for agents. (Rule 166(3) of POSB CBS Manual 2021].

v . Basic amenities like drinking water, toilet etc., may be provided to agents.

vi. In the light of the SB Order 34/2020, it is also requested that POSB transactions for all schemes should be carried out on all POSB counters.

3. It is therefore, all Circles are requested to take necessary action into the matter as above.
4. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Encl: - As above.

Yours faithfully,

Signed by Devender Kumar Sharma

Date: 22-02-2024 16:39:04

Reason: Approved
(Devender Kumar Sharma)

Assistant Director (SB-II)

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