Request for conferring Gazetted Status to HSG-l Cadre in DOP reminder - AIASC
All india Association of Supervisor Cadre (AIASC) (Group B) Balveer Singh Narinder Pal SenjayTelukadar President General Secretary Treasurer 9413159751 9463453176 9630694484
Sub: Request for conferring Gazetted Status to HSG-l Cadre reminder rg,
Refs ~ Recruitment Rules of Sr. Private Secretary & Private Secretary (DTE No, 10-2001 dated 22.01.2004)
Respected Sir,
On the reference subject, this association again invites to your kind altention that conferring Gazetted Status to HSG-1 Cadre is justified according t dies assigned and responsibilities of the Cadre. Ax per this association letter dated 09.09.2003 on the subject, this association urged that all 808 Head Post Offices are designated as HSG-I or HSG-1 (NPG) including (Gazetted Sr. Postmaster Group-B H.0.), performing DDOs’ duties which are assigned to a Gazetted Officer in all Central Govt departments
In periodical meeting of Non-Federated associations with Hon'ble D.G. Posts Sir on 19.10.2025, it was raised point by administrative side that some MDGs of HSG-HI status are also performing DDOs’ duties and it was discussed that after Cadre Restructuring of Group-C, no Head Post Office or MDG is below HSG-1 status as on date, tn response of periodical meeting dated 19.10.2023, minutes were issued & it was replied that “Granting of Gazetted status is linked with Statutory and Financial powers vested with any post. As such, change of classification is not feasible” as per Directorate letter No, SR-02/1/2023-SR-DOP(Par- lated 10,1,2023. Its also pertinent to mention here that Private Seeretary in pay matrix pay level 7 and ASP cade in pay matrix pay level 8 are also in Gazetted status without statutory And financial powers,
3. Therefore, itis again prayed that conferring Gazetted Status to HSG-I is justified withoot any financial implications and notification for Gazetted status to HSG-1 may kindly be confer.
With profound regards,
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