Postal AAO Officers Transfer and Posting Guidelines 2024 | for the officers of IP&TAFS Group’B’ | Assistant Assistant Accounts Officer) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Postal AAO Officers Transfer and Posting Guidelines 2024 | for the officers of IP&TAFS Group’B’ | Assistant Assistant Accounts Officer)

Streamlining Postings and Transfers: New Guidelines for IP&TAFS Group 'B' Officers (No: 2-25/2023/PACE/ART / 2/07-82)

In a significant move aimed at enhancing efficiency and transparency in the management of human resources, the Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, has issued comprehensive guidelines for the posting and transfer of officers belonging to the Indian Posts and Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS) Group 'B'. These guidelines, effective immediately and applicable to both the Department of Posts and the Department of Telecommunications, seek to establish a structured framework for the rotation and placement of officers across various locations within India.

The guidelines outline several key aspects:

  1. Formation of Transfer Placement Committee (TPC):All transfer postings will be considered by a Transfer Placement Committee (TPC), which will function as a recommendatory body. The TPC will comprise the Chairperson (DDG F&PAA, DoP), a member from the Department of Telecommunications (Director SEA, DoT), and the Member-Convener (Director PA-Admin, DoP).

  2. Tenures: Officers are subject to postings anywhere in India as per statutory rules. Post tenure for all officers is set at three years, with internal rotations mandated upon completion of the tenure. Station tenures vary depending on the location, with special considerations for states in the North East, Assam, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Jammu & Kashmir, and the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. Officers may not be reposted to the same department after completing two successive post tenures.

  3. Time Schedule of Activities: The TPC will convene at least once annually, preferably in February, to address routine annual rotational transfers. Meetings may be convened at other times to address midterm requirements.

  4. Compliance and Representations: Transfer-posting orders must be complied with within 30 days of issuance. Individual representations against orders must be addressed to the approving authority (Sr. DDG PAF, DoP HQ) within 15 days of issuance.

  5. Request Transfers: Officers may submit transfer requests through proper channels after serving for two years at their present place of posting, with exceptions made for exceptional medical cases.

  6. Special Provisions: Considerations are given to officers nearing superannuation, ensuring minimal disruption in their final years of service. Efforts are made to provide officers with diverse postings, including hard tenures, and considerations are given to the needs of spouses and differently-abled children.

  7. Financial Entitlements: Officers are entitled to traveling allowances and other financial benefits linked to transfers.

These guidelines underscore the commitment of the Ministry to equitable and efficient human resource management within the IP&TAFS Group 'B'. By providing a structured framework for postings and transfers, the Ministry aims to optimize the utilization of talent and ensure administrative effectiveness across various departments and regions of the country.

It's crucial for officers to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and adhere to the established procedures to facilitate smooth and transparent transitions in their professional journeys. Through these measures, the Ministry endeavors to promote professionalism, integrity, and excellence within the IP&TAFS cadre, ultimately contributing to the overall growth and development of the postal and telecommunications sectors in India.

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