Mass victimistion of Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS) of India Post went on strike from 12th to 15th December 2023 - CCGEW - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Mass victimistion of Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS) of India Post went on strike from 12th to 15th December 2023 - CCGEW

In a recent communication addressed to Dharmendra Pradhan, the Honorable Minister of Education, Skill Development, and Entrepreneurship, the Odisha State Coordination Committee sheds light on the plight of nearly three lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) employed by India Post. The letter, dated February 11, 2024, highlights the significant contributions of GDSs in implementing governmental policies concerning mails, insurance, small savings schemes, and various welfare programs aimed at rural India.

Download CCGEW (Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers) letter to Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon'ble minister of education regarding Mass victimistion of Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS) in PDF

Despite their invaluable services, GDSs have long been neglected, with their genuine demands for fair treatment and compensation going unheard for decades. The letter outlines how GDSs have been exploited, working long hours for minimal pay, and lacking the benefits enjoyed by departmental employees.

The communication draws attention to a recent strike undertaken by GDSs from December 12 to 15, 2023, to press for their demands. Although the strike was deemed legal by the Department of Posts, the subsequent actions taken by postal authorities, such as issuing termination orders and charge-sheets, have caused distress and hardship among the GDS community.

Furthermore, it underscores the disparity in treatment between GDSs and departmental employees despite the equivalence in their work and the former's critical role in revenue generation for India Post. The letter emphasizes that the GDSs' resort to peaceful agitation is a testament to their commitment to democratic values.

In light of these injustices, the Odisha State Coordination Committee appeals to Minister Pradhan to intervene and urge the Ministry of Communications to drop all termination orders and charge-sheets issued against GDSs. The letter underscores the need to treat the strike period as "No Work, No TRCA" as instructed by the Postal Directorate, ensuring fair treatment and justice for GDSs.

The appeal concludes with a plea for swift action from Minister Pradhan, expressing hope that addressing these issues will motivate GDSs to continue their dedicated service for the nation's development.

The communication, signed by Bruhaspati Samal, General Secretary of the Odisha State Coordination Committee, reflects a call for justice and equity for India Post's Gramin Dak Sevaks, who have long been the backbone of rural postal services yet continue to face neglect and exploitation.

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