DOP and MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ) tied up to provide 1 crore rooftop solar panels - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DOP and MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ) tied up to provide 1 crore rooftop solar panels

Empowering India's Rooftops: Department of Posts (DOP) Joins Hands with MNRE.

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In a significant move towards sustainable energy and empowering households across the nation, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has embarked on a mission to facilitate the installation of rooftop solar panels for one crore households. This initiative, announced during the interim Budget 2024, aims to provide up to 300 units of free electricity per month to eligible households, marking a pivotal step in India's journey towards clean energy adoption.

Under this ambitious scheme, the MNRE is collaborating with the Department of Posts (DoP) to execute a comprehensive outreach program targeting 2-3 crore individual households. Leveraging the extensive field formations of the DoP, the objective is to identify prospective beneficiaries and register them on an MNRE microsite dedicated to this purpose.

The collaboration between MNRE and DoP entails several key activities:

1. Field Outreach:

Trained field staff will actively engage with prospective beneficiaries, spreading awareness about the benefits of rooftop solar panels and elucidating the process of registration.

2. Registration:

Utilizing an MNRE microsite/application developed specifically for this initiative, households expressing interest in installing rooftop solar panels will be promptly registered. This step ensures seamless documentation and tracking of beneficiary details.

3. Essential Data Collection:

Vital information pertaining to beneficiaries will be captured during the registration process, facilitating efficient monitoring and evaluation of the initiative's progress.

Given the urgency and significance of this endeavor, an online training session was scheduled by MNRE officials on 13th February 2024 at 1630 Hrs. The purpose of the training is to equip designated officers from the DoP with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively contribute to the implementation of the project.

The nominated officers, not below the rank of APMG/AD, along with master trainers, are tasked with attending the training session. Dr. Amanpreet Singh, AGM, BD, has been appointed as the nodal officer for the project and can be reached for further inquiries.

As India embraces renewable energy solutions to address the dual challenges of climate change and energy security, collaborations such as this underscore the government's commitment to fostering sustainable development. By leveraging the extensive reach and infrastructure of the Department of Posts, MNRE aims to expedite the adoption of rooftop solar panels, thereby catalyzing a green energy revolution at the grassroots level.

The link for the online training session will be shared shortly, facilitating seamless participation and engagement from all stakeholders involved in this transformative initiative.

Together, MNRE and DoP are poised to illuminate rooftops and empower households across the nation, ushering in a new era of energy independence and environmental stewardship.

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