PLI RPLI Head of account in respect of payment of incentive to monitoring staff such as Sub-Divisional Heads (IP), ASP (HO) & Divisional Head
Government of India Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts DIRECTORATE OF POSTAL LIFE INSURANCE Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021 No. 18-02/2022-LI Dated: 04.01.2024 To All Heads of Circles
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Subject: Head of account in respect of payment of incentive to monitoring staff such as Sub-Divisional Heads, ASP (HO) & Divisional Head - reg.
This is regarding promotional incentive and monitoring structure of PLI/RPLI issued vide PLI Directorate Letter No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 11.07.2023 and 04.09.2023.
2. In this connection, it is intimated that new Head of Accounts have been opened in e-lekha and GL Accounts have been created in SAP F&A in respect of payment of incentive to monitoring staff such as Sub-Divisional Head, ASP (HQ) & Divisional Head and detailed as under for information and necessary action:
SI No. | GL Account Head of Account Description
Payment of PLI Incentive to Sub - Divisional Heads, ASP (HQ) / OS & Divisional Head 7801601650 | 8016-06-101-01-06-00
Payment of RPLI Incentive to Sub - Divisional Heads, ASP (HQ) / OS & Divisional Head
2 7801601660 | 8016-06-101-02-06-00
3. This issues with approval of the competent authority.
Assistant Director (PLI)
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