IP ASP Cadre Management 2024 | Cadre management of Inspector Posts (IP) and Assistant Superintendents of Posts (ASP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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IP ASP Cadre Management 2024 | Cadre management of Inspector Posts (IP) and Assistant Superintendents of Posts (ASP)


To Shri Vineet Pandey, Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

Sub: - Cadre management of Inspector Posts (IP) and Assistant Superintendents of Posts (ASP)-reg.

Ref: - Department of Posts No.X-7/15/2021-SPN-II dated 12th July, 2022 and 03rd July, 2023.

Respected Sir,

This Association has already expressed its concern on Department of Posts No.X-7/15/2021-SPN-II_ dated 12th July, 2022 regarding centralized cadre management at Directorate level vide this Association Letter No.CHQ/AIAIPASP/Corr-01-137/2022 dated 23rd July, 2022.

2. After much delay the Promotion to ASP cadre and Circle allotment was issued vide No.X-06/4/2023-SPN-II (3) dated 19-07-2023. Now it is observed that many of the IPs those could not be allocated to their home Circle on promotion to ASP Cadre due to non-availability of vacancy and allocated to other Postal Circle according to higher deficit Circle are declining their promotion.

3. Further action for filling up the unfilled vacancies either from the select panel or by conducting of supplementary DPC has not been taken so far.

3. Those who have joined in other Circle on promotion to ASP Cadre due to non-availability of vacancy in Home Circle are now in distress as they are facing difficulties to respond local circumstances and meeting urgent requirements, and are eagerly waiting to come back to their home Circle.

4. There is need to differentiate between Re-allotment to Home Circle and Inter-Circle transfer request of IP and ASP as mentioned in Department of Posts Letter No.X-7/15/2021-SPN-II dated 03 July, 2023.

Therefore, this Association earnestly requests for consideration of the following suggestions of this Association.

i. Re-allotment to Home Circle i.e. the Circle where the official was working in the feeder Cadre prior to his/her promotion may be treated leniently keeping out of purview of Inter-Circle transfer request IP and ASP. The eligibility of completion of one year of service in the cadre may not be insisted in case of request for transfer to Home Circle.

ii. Re-allotment to Home Circle who have been allocated to other Postal Circle may be considered first before deciding allocation of officials to be promoted as ASP through DPC.

iii. Regular/Supplementary/Review DPCs for promotion to ASP Cadre may be conducted as per the prescribed timeline.

With profound regards,

Yours faithfully,

(Pitabasa Jena)

General Secretary

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