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GDS Online engagement portal 2024 - Configuration of educational boards

No. 17-23/2016-GDS (Edn.) Government of India Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 17.01.2024

To All Chief Postmasters General

Subject: - Configuration of educational boards in the GDS Online engagement portal 2024

Kindly refer this office letter of even number dated 23.10.2023 and dated 27.12.2023 on the above mentioned subject whereby the list of recognized educational boards published by Ministry of Education was shared with Circles for confirmation of the same with the concerned Secretariat/Education(s) Department of State Government and updation of the boards by configuring them in in the engagement portal latest by 05.01.2024.

2. In this context, only seven Circles have furnished their report out of which five Circles (i.e. AP, Tamilnadu, HP, Karnataka, MP) have confirmed the list of boards recognized by MHRD with the the concerned Secretariat/Education(s) Department of State Government. Other two Circles i.e. West Bengal Circle and Uttar Pradesh Circle have proposed to make certain changes, as mentioned below:

(i) West Bengal Circle: - It has been informed by WB Circle that Directorate of School Education Government of West Bengal vide letter dated 26.12.2023 has confirmed that only six educational boards of which which only three conducts the secondary level examinations and already configured. With regard to Board of Open Schooling and Skill Education (BOBSE), the Circle has mentioned that the said board vide their letter dated 04.12.2023 has intimated that the board was established by an Act of Sikkim and and therefore, need to be configured in the Portal.

(ii) Uttar Pradesh Circle: As the list of the Ministry of Education, there are three recognized boards in Uttar Pradesh Circle. Uttar Pradesh Circle vide letter dated 02.01.2024 has submitted that only Madhyamik Siksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh may be considered as the recognized board of School Education, as rest of the two boards (i) Board of Secondary Sanskrit Education, Uttar Pradesh. (ii) U.P. Board of Madrasa Education are considered equivalent to High School examination in Uttar Pradesh by Directorate of School Education Government of Uttar Pradesh.

3. In respect of request of the West Bengal Circle to configure BOBSE in the portal for the purpose of GDS online engagement it is submitted that no action on the part of Directorate is required to taken, but the HoC itself is competent Authority to take final decision whether any board is to be configured or not in consultation with concerned Secretariat/Education(s) Department of State Government. This was conveyed to Circles vide letter dated 23.10.2023 and dated 27.12.2023. However, a copy ofMinistry of Education letter dated24.04.2023 wherein, it has, inter-alia, been stated that their ministry has set up only two National level Boards, namely, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). 

The Ministry has also clarified that ‘Education’ falls under Entry 25 of the Concurrent List of the 7th Schedule and hence both the Central and State Govt. have powers to frame legislation or issue instructions to regulate setting up of the Education Boards. The setting up of the boards may be regulated by an Act of ParliamentState Legislature or by an executive Order. The Education boards in the States/UTs are to be set up or recognized by the concerned State/UT in terms of their Act, Regulations, instructions etc.made for the purpose. With regard to the request of UP Circle, the eligibility criteria of for engagement clearly provides that the candidate should have passed ‘Secondary School Examination of 10th Standard’ with passing marks in Mathematics and English. Both West Bengal and UP Circles are requested to take further action in accordance with these instructions. The Boards required to be configured, if any, may be taken up by them directly with the CEPT.

4. All other Circles are also requested to complete the exercise of configuration of educational boards in consultation with CEPT and furnish a completion report within a week positively.

Yours sincerely,

Signed by Ravi Pahwa Date: 17-01-2024 12:45:33 Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC) Tel. No. 011-23096629 Copt to: - General Manager, CEPT Bengaluru/Unit at Hyderabad.

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