FNPO Insists Secretary Posts to review the decision of cancellation of Notification for LDCE for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B' - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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FNPO Insists Secretary Posts to review the decision of cancellation of Notification for LDCE for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B'

Sub: Request to review the decision of cancellation of Notification for LDCE for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B' for the vacancy years 2021, 2022 and 2023, held on 04.06.2023 — Reg.

Ref: Directorate letter F.No. A-34012/04/2023-DE (I) dated 21.11.2023

FEDERATION OF NATIONAL POSTAL ORGANIZATION (FNPO) T-24, P&T Quarters, Atual Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001 No. FNPO/Examination/PSSGRB dated at New Delhi the 29-12-2023

To The Secretary, Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi - 110 001

Respected Sir,

My union wishes to bring the unilateral decision taken by the Department to the notice of Hon'ble Secretary Post, in cancelling the above said examination at an advanced stage and for doing justice to the innocent persons.

2. While, all the aspirants are eagerly waiting for the declaration of results, unfortunately, the Department had suddenly cancelled the above said LDCE ab-nitio through the letter under reference. The reason for sudden cancellation of the Exam was just mentioned as ‘Administrative reasons’ without disclosing the actual reason.

3. It is observed from the enclosed RTI reply and Directorate letter No. A-34013/02/2023-DE dated 18.10.2023 that some circles have allowed some candidates at their level to appear in the said LDCE considering that their juniors have been allowed to appear for a particular vacancy year and it seems that the reason for cancelling the said LDCE is non following the uniform procedure in all the Circles, which was tried to be rectified by issuing a revised notification on the same day duly including the clause that the Circles should not give relaxation at their end. Further, the notification issued on 02.01.2023 is in consonance with the prevailing RRs.

4. If at all, the same is the reason for cancellation of exam, the Department should review its decision as the Department had every right to cancel the candidature of the irregularly admitted candidates, when found against the Notification as per the instruction No. 9 of the Admit Card issued to the Candidates, which is reproduced below.

“At any stage, if it is found that a candidate is not eligible to appear in the examination, his candidature will stand cancelled. He may also be disallowed to take the examination.”

5. Many court judgments also reveal that the cancellation of the exam should be the last resort. When the Department is in a position to cancel the candidature of the irregularly admitted candidates, cancelling the entire exam process at the very advanced stage is highly objectionable. One such CAT order in CAT, Hyderabad in OA/021/01227/2016 order dated 04-09-2018 may please be pursued.

6. Even though the Department had every right to cancel the exam at any point of time, the decision of the Department had an impact on the aspirants and all of them have went to the depression. Due to sudden cancellation of the entire process of the exam at this juncture for the sake of few people and punishing many aspirants for their no fault is unjust.

7. it is not out of context to mention that these LDCE vacancies were already offered to DPC candidates during DPC 2023. Therefore, nearly 100 candidates, who are to be considered for DPC 2024 and should become juniors to these LDCE candidates, were already given promotion in DPC 2023 and became seniors. Further, it is also learnt that the promotion to the cadre of Group B for the 225 upgraded posts due to cadre restructuring is in pipeline and are also going to be filled up through DPC. Further, there is every possibility of conducting the DPC for the year 2024 for nearly 200-300 posts, before the declaration of the proposed exam scheduled to be held on 30.06.2023. Therefore, the aspirants in this LDCE are going to lose seniority of more than 500 - 600 positions, which will have a great impact on their further career progression.

8. Therefore, My Federation request the Secretary (Posts) to review the decision taken to cancel the above said exam once again and also request to cause to declare the results of the exam already held on 04.06.2023, by simultaneously cancelling the notification dated 21.11.2023 and cause justice to all the aspirants.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Vasireddy Sivaji)

Secretary General

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