Expediting process of DPCs for HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I(NFG) cadre - AIASC wrote to Secretary Posts - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Expediting process of DPCs for HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I(NFG) cadre - AIASC wrote to Secretary Posts

All India Association of Supervisor Cadre Group B (AIASC) No, AIASC CHQ-52/2025-24 Dated at Hoshiarpur HO the 22.01.2004

Sub: - Expediting process of DPCs for HSG-II/HSG-I/HSG-I(NFG) cadre - reg

Ref: - DDG (P) D.O. No. W-18/2022-SPN-1 dated 10.09.202

On the reference subject, a Kind attention is again invited that after merger of Postmaster Cadre with General Line Cadre without their willingness & not implementation of merger guidelines properly, Postmaster Cadre officals passed in the same dates, could not equal promotions (inter se-senionity) in General Line Cadre in their respective circles, resulting for example one PM Grade-1 2011 batch official is now HSG-1 and eligible for HSG-1 (NFG) in one circle, while others still in HSG-I in other circle.

As per DDG (P)'s DO, leter referred above, it was directed to HoCs to fill up all posts by way of open market examination/LDCE/DPCs by end of 2023 and it was  requested to the Director (SPN) by this association to issue necessary directions to expedite DPCs for HSGs cade too on 05.12.2022, but nothing is heard so far, Since, DPCs are geneally held for promotions according to calender year, so a lot of oficials are eligible for HSG-I/HSG-II/HSG-I (NFG) and waiting for their promotions in every circle.

3. Hence, it i prayed that necessary directions may kinldy be issued to all HoCs to expedite process of DPC for promotion to HSG-I/HSG-II/HSG-I (NFG) who are eligible as on 1st January 2024.

With profound regards,




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