Declaration of National Holiday on 22nd January 2024 in NI Act due to consecration ceremony of new idol of Shri Ram Lalla in Ayodhya Dham - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Declaration of National Holiday on 22nd January 2024 in NI Act due to consecration ceremony of new idol of Shri Ram Lalla in Ayodhya Dham

No: BPEF/Ayodhya/Corr Dated 17/1/2024 To The Cabinet Secretary  Govt. of India  New Delhi -110001

Subject: - Requesting for declaration of National Holiday on 22nd January 2024 in NI Act due to consecration ceremony of the eagerly awaited new idol of Shri Ram Lalla in Ayodhya Dham

Respected Sir,

With due respect and humble submission my appeal before you that , the states nationwide embrace festive fervor as Ayodhya Ram Mandir inauguration on 22nd January 2024 , the day of consecration ceremony of the Ayodhya Ram Temple. Considering the significance of the consecration ceremony of the eagerly awaited new idol of Shri Ram Lalla in Ayodhya Dham  a holiday would declare for all central Govt. department across the nation for participating the programme . Employees along with their family could celebrate the programme at home by following the all events as appealed by the Honourable Prime Minister of India Sri Narendra Modi Ji.

The event holds immense religious , historical and cultural significance for millions of employees across the country , making the realization of a long awaited dream after 500 more years. A holiday would also demonstrate a harmonious blend of work process with the cultural ethos of our nation.

Lord Ram’s universal signification extended beyond cultural and religious boundaries, touching the hearts and minds of employees across diverse communities and belief system.

In light of the religious, cultural and international importance of this even , I humbly request your good office to consider declaring a holiday in the Postal department and other central Govt department across India on 22nd January 2024 under NI Act.

Your kind attention in this regard is highly solicited .

  Yours sincerely,

(Ananta Kumar Pal)

 Secretary General

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