Creation of new Postal Division at Koppal by bifurcation of existing Gadag Postal Division in Karnataka Circle - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Creation of new Postal Division at Koppal by bifurcation of existing Gadag Postal Division in Karnataka Circle

No. Q- 13/7/2021-PE-I-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PE-I Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 17th January, 2024. The Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru. 

Subject: Regarding creation of new Postal Division at Koppal by bifurcationof existing Gadag Postal Division in Karnataka Circle. 

Sir, I am directed to refer to your Office letters no. ESA/CRTN/KOPPAL|2}Z2 dated 18.10.2023 & 07. 12.2023 and to say that the proposal for creation of new Postal Division at Koppal by bifurcation of existing Gadag Postal Division in Karnataka Circle has been examined in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing (IFW) of the Directorate. The proposal has been approved by the Competent Authority subject to the following conditions: 

(i) The Circle shall ensure that diversion of posts may not affect the work of the office from where the posts are being diverted. 

(ii) The Circle shall arrange 1 (one) post of Stenographer and 1 (one) post of Jeep Driver by red.eployment from within the Circle. No new post shall be created. 

(iii) The expenditure involved in the process shall be kept to the minimum and will be met from the funds allotted to the Circle. No additional funds shall be given to the Circle in this regard. 

(iv) Circle shall devise an action plan to improve the revenue of the newly formed Koppal postal division as well as the existing Gadag postal division. 

(v) The performance review (financial & functional) of both the Divisions shall be made after completion of one year' 

2. In view of the above, Circle is requested to take further necessary action and furnish an Action Taken Report in the matter to this office. The review after completion of one year is a mandatory condition of IFW, therefore, the same may be strictly adhered to. 3. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No. 15112023-24/FA-CS(P) dated 16.01.2024.

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