Post Office Extended Hours Service (POSB/IPPB) for Public open from 08.00 AM to 08.00 PM in Gujarat Postal Circle - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Post Office Extended Hours Service (POSB/IPPB) for Public open from 08.00 AM to 08.00 PM in Gujarat Postal Circle

Sub: To extend POSB/IPPB Services in one Post Office per Division from 08.00 AM to 08.00 PM for customers.

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DEPARTMENT OF POSTS (Ministry of Communications) O/o Chief Postmaster General, Gujarat Circle, Ahmedabad — 380001 UNDER ENTRY

1. Postmaster General, North Gujarat Region, ihmedabad-380 001.

2. Postmaster General, South Gujarat Region, Vadodara-390 002.

3. Postmaster General, Saurashtra & Kutch Region, Rajkot-360 001.

No: SB/Misc/2023-24 Date: 18.12.2023

Ref: Arising.

With reference to above it is to intimate that Postal services are being offered to the customers with prescribed hours counter services across the Gujarat circle. Since, increase of rate of interest in Small Savings Scheme, there is good response from the customers towards the financial services. Feedback has been received about presence of demand for financial services even beyond counter operation hours. Hence it is felt that at-least one POSB/IPPB counter in each Postal division in the circle should be kept open beyond current business hours for the customers to cater to their financial and investment needs. 

In this connection I am directed by the competent authority to request you to identify one Post office in each postal division which can provide POSB/IPPB financial services from 08.00.AM to 8.00 PM to the customers. This will not only increase POSB/CC revenue, but leaves a good impression on the potential investors. It is the wisdom of the divisional heads to identify the Post office which will be most promising in terms of small savings investment and start the counter with immediate effect.

It is therefore, requested to issue necessary instructions to the divisions and ensure the compliance from the divisions on above mentioned issue at the earliest. It is further requested to ask the divisions to bring the awareness of this initiative to the Citizens to avail the maximum benefits of this step taken by the Gujarat Postal Circle. Divisions may be further directed to place the signage indicating the extended hours financial services at the prominent place for the information of the customers visiting the Post office. Region office may intimate the name of Post office identified by the divisions to this office by 20.12.2023 for perusal of the competent authority.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Asstt. Director Rostal Services (Fs)

Gujarat Circle, hmedabad-380 001

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