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Grant of Special CL to attend All India Conference / Executive Committee meetings

Subject: - Clarifications regarding grant of Special CL to attend All India Conference / Executive Committee meetings, Union seminars and meetings with senior officers as and when called for by the office bearers of the recognised service Associations.

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No. T-17/2/2021-SR-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (SR Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001 Dated: November, 2023

To All the Head of Circles.

Various references are being received from the Postal Circles seeking clarification on grant of Special CL to attend All India Conference / Executive Committee meetings etc.

2. In this regard, it is to intimate that the matter has already been examined by the Directorate and necessary clarifications were issued vide Directorate's communications dated 25.06.2004, 21.06.2017, 09.12.2021, 09.09.2022 (copy enclosed).

3. Therefore, Postal Circles are once again requested to take appropriate action in accordance with the instructions issued by the Directorate from time to time. If any, specific clarification is required, the same may be brought to the Directorate clearly.

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully, Signed by Nahar Singh Encl: As above Meena

Subject: Compilation of Instructions on trade union facilities admissible to unions/associations recognized by the Department of Posts under CCS (RSA), Rules, 1993.

I am directed to invite your kind attention to the Department's letter No. 10-9 (A)/98-SR dated the 5th November, 99 vide which a Compilation of Instructions relating to union matters was forwarded.

2. Some of the important instructions like treatment of the period of strike and bandh etc. were not included in the said compilation and it was felt that inclusion of such like information in the compilation would make it more useful and convenient for the users. Besides, in the wake of CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993, some developments took place in regard to recognition-of Fede, .tions and in the matter of switching over of members from one upion 1. anether and it was considered essential to bring these instructions also in the compilation. Efforts have been made to correlate the instructions having a bearing on the same subject, which were earlier scattered.

3. It is hoped that this compilation would serve as a useful hand-book for dealing with Unions matters at different levels. Any error/omission noted in the compilation may please be brought to the notice of the undersigned for taking remedial course of action.

1. Special Casual Leave up to meximum of 20 days in a year may be granted for the following purposes:-

a) When the delegates to All India Conferences and members of the executive comniittees are required to attend such conferences and mee ings.

b) When members from outstation are required to attend periodical meetings with Heads of Circles.

c) When members from outstation: wait on deputation on the Minister/MOS and Secretary (P).

2. Special Casual Leave may be allowed to members of Service Associations coming from outstations to attend their monthly meeting with Deoartmental Officers at divisional level on the following conditions :-

i. Not more than two membzrs are allowed this concession during a year

ii. Special Casual Leave is allowec only for a day/days of the meeting and the actual time teken in the journey.

iii. Maximum limit of Special Casual Leave allowed does not exceed 12 days in a year.

iv. The concession under this em will not bring an additional benefit to the staff who under para 1 above are allowed the concession of Special Casual Leave to the extent of 20 days in a year. If any official is required to meet the divisional head, the Special Casual Leave granted to him for the purpose will be counted against those 20 days Special Casual Leav: in a year.

v.) The local members may be given suitable off for the duration of the meetings.

3. Public holidays and weekly offs to the extent admissible to the category of the officials to, which the office bearers of the Service Associations belong falling within the period of Special Casual Leave granted to them or immediately preceeding or following should not be counted as part of Special Casual Leave

4. Special Casual Leave is not allowed to be combined with regular leave/E.L. or hall pay leave etc. An understanding reached in the departmental council of JCM stipulates that as far as possible the Divisional executive committee meetings of the Service Associations will be held on holidays or outside office hours. As regards number of members attending the committee meetings the same will be in accordance with the constitution. Where there is reason to believe that more members are asking for Special Casual Leave then | justified, the constitution and the records of the Service Associations may be checked up to find out whether facilities have been asked for more members than admissible under the rules.

5. The office bearers of recognised Service Association may be granted Special Casual Leave for attending trade union seminars subject to the condition that maximum limit of Special Casual Leave does not exceed 20 days in a year.

6. Notices issued by the General Secretaries of the Service Associations for All India Conférences working committee or executive committee meeting of the Service Associations are not being circulated by the Department. Instead the Circle Secretary concerned should furnish an attested copy of the notice to the Heads of circles and other administrative offices requesting them to issue necessary instructions to the concerned authorities for granting Special Casual Leave to the eligible officials, subject to the overall limits. The competent authority will then sanction Special Casual Leave to eligible officials provisionally on receipt of applications from them. On completion of the conferences/meetings the officials will be required to produce a certificated from the General Secretary to the effect that they had actually attended the conference/meeting for its full duration. Thereafter, Special Casual Leave granted provisionally will be regularized.

6. The other facilities such as deputation of official observer to the conferences, permission to conduct conferences within the departmental premises outside working hours, grant of Special Casual Leave to the delegates to the circle conferences, should continue to be extended at the time of the elections of the Service |- Associations from which facilities had been withdrawn for not conducting the prescribed elections in time.

These facilities would not, however, be available to the office bearers of the concerned branch which failed to


1. There is no objection to the serif Associations meeting the local officers informally but such meetings should not be held regularly o° treated as formal

2. Regular formal meetings are to be held below the Divisional level. The Minister ghd also the Secretary (P) may, at their discretion, receife deputation of circle and branch associations during’ their tours. These meetings will be treated as informaf and min ites will not be drawn up and supplied to the/Association. Action will, however, be taken to ensure that any impor:ant decision taken or assurance given by’ the Minister cr the Secretary P) at such meetings j§ duly pursued and the Association concerned will informed of the results as soon as

3. The instfuctions at 2 above Mutatis Mutandis apply to mgs of the Heads of Circle during their tours al braches of the service Associations.

be heated as informal and no minutes shall be drawn up or supplied to the Service Associat:ons.

4. At the above mentioned informal meetings, questions of local significance and not of All India or general importance will be discussed. Matters of All India and general nature will have to be taken up through the All India Service Associations as the case may be. Issues that are peculiar to the various circles will be taken up only by the circle Associations and not by the Divisional Associations.

Subject: Trade Union Facilities to Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation and its affiliated unions.

To maintain Industrial harmony, it has been decided to extend the following two additional Trade Union facilities to the Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation and its affiliated unions:-

i) Special Casual leave of 10 days to 7 of its Office bearers at Circle, Regional and Divisional level to attend All India Conference/Executive Committee meetings, union seminars and meetings with Senior Officers as and when called for.

ii) Immunity in transfer to 2 of its office bearers at Circle, Regional and Divisional level from their Head quarters.

2. All Heads of Circles/Regional Postmasters General are requested to comply with the above decision.

3 This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Subject: - Granting Special Casual Leave in respect of Service Associations.


It has come to the notice of this Directorate that in some cases Special Casual Leaves are not being granted by the Competent Authorities to the Office Bearers of eligible Service Associations for attending Conferences in want of circulation of notice of meeting by Directorate.

2. In this reference, attention is invited to this Department's instructions no. 54-12/83-SPB-Il dated 06.12.1983 (mentioned in the ‘Compilation of Instructions’ circulated vide this Department's letter no. 10-1/2004-SR dated 25.06.2004) paragraph no. 6 of which states, //ofices issued by the General Secretaries of the Service Associations for All India Conferences working committee or executive commitlee meeting of the Service Associations are not being circulated by the Department. Instead the Circle Secretary concerned should furnish an attested copy of the notice to the Heads of circles and other administrative offices requesting them lo issue necessary instructions to the concerned authorities for granting Special Casual Leave to the eligible officials, subject to overall limits. The competent authority will then sanction Special Casual Leave to eligible officials provisionally on receipt of applications from them. On completion of the conferences/meetings the officials will be required to produce a certificate from the General Secretary to the effect that they had actually attended the conference/ meeting for its full duration. Thereafter, Spesial Casual Leave granted provisionally will be regularized.”

3. All the Circles are requested to comply with the above instructions in letter and spirit.

4. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Subject: Granting Special Casual Leave in respect of Service Association.


I am directed to refer to letter no. PF/NFPE/AWomen Convention dated 13.08.2022 and to say that the instruction regarding Special Casual Leave issued several times. In this connection the latest issued letter of even no. dated 9.12.2021 is enclosed.

2. All the Circles are requested to comply with the above instructions in letter and spirit.

3. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

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