GDS Strike Appeal by Secretary Post (DOP) | GDS Welfare Measures by Department of Post (DOP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GDS Strike Appeal by Secretary Post (DOP) | GDS Welfare Measures by Department of Post (DOP)

Department of Posts Vineet Pandey Ministry of Communications Secretary Government of India APPEAL

Download GDS Strike Appeal by Secretary Post (DOP) 2023 in PDF

My dear Gramin Dak Sevak,

This has reference to the call of indefinite strike of All India Gramin Dak Sevak Union and National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks from 12.12.2023 onwards. At the outset I would like to convey that the call of strike on the part of Unions at this important juncture of postal network expansion and when lot of technological transformation is also underway in the Department and its services have been highly appreciated at the highest level in the Government, is completely uncalled for.

At this point of time when the Department is contributing in the economic progress of the country through the work being performed by GDS workforce, disruption of work will adversely affect the image of the Department.

All of you may appreciate that the Department in the recent past has taken various initiatives to improve your service conditions and welfare, which are attached and we are always open to consider your other legitimate demands as well. Some of the matters like, grant of financial upgradations, medical facilities,

increase of coverage in the group insurance and contribution towards Service Discharge Benefit Scheme are under active consideration.

In view of the above it is my humble appeal to all the GDS not to resort to strike but be a part of the economic progress of the country.

I reiterate the commitment of the Department to look into the welfare and legitimate demands at the earliest and appeal you not to take any action in furtherance to the call of strike from GDS Unions.

Secretary (Posts)

Date: 12th December, 2023


1.  56.1% average hike in remuneration

2. Rate of increment revised to 3% of last basic allowance instead of a fixed amount

3. Introduttion of children education allowance @ Rs. 6000/-

4. Introduction of Risk and Hardship Allowance @ Rs. 500/-

5. The amount of GDS Gratuity increased from Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 1,50,000

6. The amount of Severance Amount increased from Rs. 1500/- to Rs. 4, 000

7. Dispensing with security of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. one lakh) on engagement as GDS

8. Introduction of combined duty allowance to the Branch Postmasters working at single handed Branch Post Offices over and above the remuneration.

9. Introduce the online process of engagement of Gramin Dak Sevaks through online engagement process from 2014 onwards GDS have been engaged throuh more than 1,55,000 post offices

10. Minimum service for transfer of GDS reduced from three years to one year.

11. No. of chances for transfer increased from one to two in case of male GDS and three chances for female GDS.

12. Online Portal for request transfer introduced in November, 2022 in which more than 17000 GDS have been transferred till now. Transfer is done every quarter.

13. Grant of financial assistance upto Rs. 50,000/- from welfare fund to the GDSs affected by Covid-19.

14. Maternity leave of 180 days with full remuneration plus female GDS

15. 20 days paid leave along with emergency leave of five days 

16. A special drive was launched for disposing pending cases of engagement of dependents GDS on compassionate grounds during which compassionate engagement was given to the dependents of 4135 GDSs, including those who died during the Covid19 pandemic.

17. Relaxation in prescribed educational qualification for engagement on compassionate grounds in ‘Dak Sevak' category.

18. Provision made for representation against the rejection of compassionate appointment. Till now, more than 100 have been benefitted.

19. Revision of compassionate engagement (May, 2017 and June, 2023) Decentralized at Divisional level

20. Online Portal compassionate appointment of GDS has been launched on 11.12.2023

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