GDS Online Rule 3 Transfer December 2023 Cycle Schedule and Timeline - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GDS Online Rule 3 Transfer December 2023 Cycle Schedule and Timeline

Subject: Online Rule-3 GDS Transfer Cycle, December -2023 - schedule of activities and timelines.

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No.17-31/2016-GDS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110 001  Dated: 04.12.2023 To, All Chief Postmasters General

The Competent Authority has approved the Schedule of 'Online Rule-3 Transfer Cycle, December, 2023" for different activities as under:

GDS Rule 3 Transfer December 2023 Activities

GDS Rule 3 Transfer December 2023 Timeline and Schedule

Vacancy updation by Divisions/ Units

1st to 7th December

Online Registration and submission of applications by the GDS applicants seeking transfer

11th to 18th December


One-time modification in applications already submitted by candidate (limited to change of option/preference) 

19th to 20th December


Verification of online applications by the Divisions

21st to 26th December


Online list of transfers approved-1st list

29th December

Relieving of GDS to join in the new post (1st list candidates)

15th January


Online list of transfers approved 2nd list

17th January

Relieving the GDS to join in the new post (2nd list candidates)

31st January


2. In this context, pending approval of the remaining timelines, the portal was made open to the Circles on 01.12.2023 for vacancy updation, [refer to instructions issued vide email dated 30.11.2023]. Further, from December- 2023 cycle, provision has also been made for seeking mutual transfer. A detailed SOP/instructions to be followed with regard to mutual transfer is enclosed herewith.

3. In this context, all the provisions for 1st & 2nd transfer list, transfer on spouse grounds and order of priority as elaborated in para 2, 5 & 6 of this office letter of even no. dated 24.02.2023 (Cycle March, 2023), would continue in this Cycle as well. There is no change in the method of calculation of vacancies for GDS online transfer and Circle may refer to para 4 of the aforesaid letter dated 24.02.2023 in this respect The vacancies notified in respect of GDS Online Engagement Schedule Il of 2023, as well as, for Special Cycle, May, 2023 would not be made available for consideration for online transfer. While notifying the vacancies, special care may be kept in respect of vacancies ordered to be withheld by Court/ Tribunal Orders, posts declared surplus etc

4. Subsequent to release of the approved list of transfers, any decision on the issues, other than policy issues shall be decided at the level of Head of Region/Head of Circle in accordance with the instructions issued in the past Technical issues may be resolved in consultation with CEPT

5. All HOCs are requested to ensure that Divisions strictly adhered to the aforesaid time schedule.

Yours sincerely,

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