DOP IPPB PM KISAN Special Drive 2023 to cover 50 Lakh farmers
Department of Posts Vineet Pandey Ministry of Communications Secretary Government of India D.O. No. PB-01/1/2023-PBI-DOP 08.12 2023
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In the recently held high Ministerial level meetings, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has informed that there is a pending figure of over 50 lakh farmers who are still not onboarded under PM-KISAN scheme. DoP through IPPB has been given the mandate for identification, verification and inclusion of all the eligible pending farmers under the scheme before 15th January, 2024. State/UT wise number of pending beneficiaries are enclosed for ready reference.
2. Further, Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare vide his D.O. No. 9-6/2023-FWS-Part(2)/e dated 24th November, 2023 has requested Chief Secretary of all States/UTs (copy enclosed) to use IPPB for opening Aadhaar linked (seeded) bank accounts to ensure all eligible farmers are included in PM-KISAN scheme before 15th January, 2024.
3. I request you to ensure that Aadhaar seeded accounts of remaining 50 lakh eligible farmers are opened in IPPB within the target date in mission mode.
Government of India Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare D.O. No. 9-6/2023-FWS-Part (2)/e / mgm Dated the 24th November, 2023
As you may be aware, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Yojana, a Central Sector Scheme launched on 24" February 2019, provides annual financial assistance of Rs.6000/- per eligible farmer family. So far, more than Rs.2.80 lakh crores have been disbursed to over 11 crore farmer families in the country.
2, Farmers who own a cultivable land parcel, have bank accounts linked to Aadhar and have completed their eKYC are considered eligible to receive the benefits under the scheme.
3. As per the guidelines of the scheme, the State Governments are responsible to identify and verify the eligible farmers. To help the States in this endeavour, this Ministry has launched the PM-KISAN portal and Mobile App which have a Know Your Status (KYS), self-registration and face authentication eKYC facility for farmers; and onboarded Common Service Centres for registration of farmers and India Post Payment Bank (IPPB) for opening Aadhar linked bank accounts of farmers, etc.
4. However, even almost 5 years after PM-KISAN's launch, we are still receiving grievances from several farmers claiming they are not included in the scheme despite being eligible. It has, therefore, been decided to saturate the PM-KISAN scheme with all eligible farmers in a mission mode.
3. Given the above, it has been decided to organize a 40-day village-level special campaign from 6 December 2023 to 15" January 2024 to identify, verify and include all the eligible farmers under PM-KISAN. For a successful campaign, it will be imperative to give wide publicity to the campaign and hold special Gram Sabhas to list out farmers claiming to be eligible. A Village Nodal officer (VNO) may be appointed to help the farmer verify his status using the PM-KISAN Mobile App’s KYS module, help fill in the land details in the self-registration module, help the farmers complete their e-KYC using the face authentication feature in the PM-KISAN Mobile App and ensure their bank accounts are Aadhar linked.
6. The VNO’s role in the saturation of the PM-KISAN scheme with eligible farmers will be crucial. Accordingly, they may be adequately trained by senior officers. The VNO may also be incentivized for successfully saturating the village assigned. Expenses incurred on the activities under the campaign, such as publicity, stationary, holding of village camps, the incentive to the VNO, etc., can be met out of the PM-KISAN Administrative Fund.
7. The 16th instalment of the PM-KISAN scheme will likely be released towards the end of January 2024. The State Governments are, therefore, requested to ensure all eligible farmers are included in the PM-KISAN scheme before the 15th January, 2024.
With regards, Yours sincerely,
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