D-Cube App SOP for DBT Payments through IPPB & PMA Mobiles by BPM,ABPM, Gramin DAK Sevak (GDS), Postman & PA
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Preamble -
The following SOP has been derived and defined for disbursing Social Security Pensions amount credited into POSB finacle account of the beneficiary on authenticating the beneficiary using his/her bio-metric validation through UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) Server. Here, the bio-metric authentication inc]ludes the standard authentications provided by UIDAI like finger print authentication, IRIS and OTP. This App provides facility to withdraw available amount in POSB finacle accounts of the respective beneficiaries. The DBT amounts gets credited in to beneficiaries Finacle POSB accounts by CEPT Chennai based on NPCI| PFMS platform and credit entries will be processed by CEPT, Chennai. Respective user agency credits consolidated amount to NPCI through ACH/APB files.
2. CEPT, Hyderabad updates the account wise balances as a scheduled service process for updating the credit particulars into each individual accounts. This balance will be made available to the end user of IPPB & PMA devices or personal devices approved by the Head of the Division and updated in D-Cube server viz; authorised BPM, ABPM, Dak Sevak, Postman & POSB Counter PA through D-Cube App.
3. This app can only be installed by the approved channel of App installation through IPPB Mobi Control/C-DAC Mobile Seva platforms. For this purpose, the Division will share the detailed information of identified Mobiles to CEPT, Hyderabad
4. Option for payment of POSB withdrawal through D-Cube App needs to be exercised by the concerned social security pensioner. Once the pensioner opts for receipt of payment of POSB withdrawal through D-Cube from his account a rubber stamp will be impressed / suitable remark made in writing on the pass book at first page entries as “D-Cube”. The BO / Departmental office concerned will ensure that all the future payment of SB withdrawals are made through D- Cube app only.
5. Salient features of D-Cube
* Inter-operability - D-Cube permits interoperability within the Circle in respect of benefit disbursement i.e., any beneficiary can withdraw the benefit from any post office / D-Cube End User in the Circle.
* Paying official - Authorised M-ATM device End User by clicking the D- Cube app can disburse the circle identified DBT Schemes disbursements.
* Identified official — BPMs, ABPMs in Branch Post Offices, POSB counter PA, Postmen, Dak Sevaks who have been provided with IPPB or PMA mobile with biometric device are identified and authorised for POSB withdrawal payment through D-Cube App by the Divisional Head. The officials / Dak Sevaks who are willing to provide their own mobile for D-Cube payment can also be identified and authorised by the Divisional Head.
* Validation of D-Cube End User - D-Cube End user will be validated by way of his/her bio-metric authentication using Aadhaar to function on the Mobile App. D-Cube End User will be provided with 3 such trails for getting himself/herself authenticated. In case of failure, he/she may request for up-dation of his / her Aadhaar number in the system through the identified Divisional Nodal Officer.
* Use of D-Cube App by the substitute when End User proceeds on leave - In case of proceeding on leave by the D-Cube End User, the details of the nominated substitute can also be authorised and updated by the Divisional Office with the approval of divisional head.
* POSB Finacle account of beneficiary - The D-Cube End User needs to enter the Finacle account of the beneficiary. If the details of the entered account number are valid the system shows the Account holder name, balance and enables bio-metric authentication of the beneficiary before proceeding to the withdrawals.
* Biometric authentication of the beneficiary - The beneficiary needs to authenticate his/her biometric by providing finger print for getting authenticated through Aadhaar. D-Cube validates only the use of RD service enabled / configured Bio-metric device.
* Biometric authentication trails - The beneficiary can also avail 3 successive trails for authentication. The successive trails are required if only when the first trail fails.
* Exceptional cases of bio-metric authentication failure - In case of three consecutive failures, the benefit flags into exceptional payment which can be paid by the authorized exceptional payment officer. All the identified D- Cube End Users are authorised and nominated as exceptional payment officer. Only for exceptional cases of D-Cube payment, SB-7 to be obtained from the depositor by the paying official.
* Amount payable through D-Cube App - An amount up to the cut off value of balance available in the account less Rs.500 (minimum balance to be retained in POSB Scheme) and not exceeding the maximum of Rs.5000/- whichever is less can be paid to the beneficiary by entering the withdrawal amount. D-Cube End User will confirm the balance with reference to the duly updated balance in the pass book of the depositor before making payment through D-Cube device.
* Display of the amount paid to the Beneficiary - The amount paid will be displayed as a message for the purpose of beneficiary. The system will also announce the amount of withdrawal in audible format for the purpose of knowledge of beneficiary.
* Confirmation of D-Cube transaction - The D-Cube End User should ensure this and view the details of payments in the LOT report in D-Cube app before disbursing the cash. There is no printing of receipt as was in the case of RICT devices.
* D-Cube End User will make payment to the POSB account holder (social security pension beneficiary).
* D-Cube End user will also make an entry of POSB withdrawal in the pass book duly mentioning date of withdrawal, amount withdrawn, balance after transaction, remark DCW- (D-Cube Withdrawal) and he/she will sign against the entries made.
* Time restrictions for making D-Cube Payment — There is no time restrictions for making DCube payment. However, DCube system will account for all the transactions performed upto 16:30 hours on the same day of transaction. The transactions performed after 16:30 hours will be accounted for in the accounts of the next working day.
* Restricting the D-Cube Identified account transactions - Once the payment is successful in D-Cube all such accounts will be listed out for D- Cube payments in future. Through CMRC modification, the office will update the debit freeze through electronic mode freeze for these accounts so that the ATM or IPPB Swipe in transactions will be restricted.
6. The step by step process is explained here —
6.1. Common instructions for all End Users
1. Revival of Silent / Dormant Accounts — D-Cube end users will confirm while D-Cube payment for the first time that the POSB account of social security pensioner is not silent / dormant / debit freeze. He will obtain an application for revival from the depositor and submit the same to account office.
2. Confirm the identity of the beneficiary — D-Cube End Users will confirm identity and genuineness of the social security pensioner. If necessary, PPO issued to the pensioner by the State Government authority and aadhar card of the pensioner may be verified.
3. Aaadhar Seeding — D-Cube End Users will also confirm the aadhar seeding of POSB account of the social security pensioner. If not already done then he will ensure aadhar seeding also through D-Cube App.
4) Willingness of pensioner to take payment through D-Cube : D-Cube End User will explain and confirm with the social security pensioner as to whether he is ready to take payment through D-Cube only retaining a minimum balance of Rs.500/- in the account always and will forgo the facility of receiving POSB withdrawal through any other channel such as ATM, POSB to IPPB swiping etc., and make an entry “D-Cube” through rubber stamp / in hand writing in the first page entry page of the pass book of the depositor. The depositor may be guided accordingly.
5) Minimum balance of Rs.500/- to be maintained in POSB Account — D- Cube end user will confirm that the amount of withdrawal sought by the POSB account holder (social security pensioner) will not reduce the balance in the said account below Rs.500/- after D-Cube withdrawal.
6) Maximum amount payable in D-Cube per pensioner — D-Cube end user will also ensure that the amount sought is within the maximum limit of amount payale of Rs.5000/-
7) Before initiating the transaction D-Cube End user will see the updated POSB pass book of the social security pensioner and confirm the availability of balance eligible for D-Cube withdrawal
7. Sequential functionality for disbursement at Branch Post Offices
1. Advance to BPM / ABPM - BPM will provide advance for himself as well as ABPM for making D-Cube payments and enter the details in the D- Cube Cash Register as prescribed in Annexure — I. The advance prescribed to be paid to IPPB End user (Rs.1 lakh or enhanced limit as the case may be) is applicable in case of D-Cube payments also.
2. Performance of D-Cube transaction - BPM or ABPM by clicking the D- Cube app will disburse Circle identified DBT Schemes disbursements as per the procedure given in Para-5 above.
3. Before payment confirm the transaction in D-Cube App : . The D-Cube End user should ensure and confirm the withdrawal by viewing the details of payments in the LOT in the D-Cube app in the device before disbursing the cash.
4. Performance of exceptional transactions - In case of 3 attempts of bio- metric authentication fails while performing D-Cube transaction, the BPM or ABPM will perform exceptional transactions as per the provision available in D-Cube.
5. At the EOD BPM / ABPM will submit the returns clearly stating the amount paid on the same day (ie., DCube payments to be accounted for on the same day) and after 16:30 which will be accounted for next day.
6. BPM will receive the D-Cube Returns in respect of cash issued to himself as well as to ABPM and update the register of D-Cube payments and receive unpaid money.
7. D-Cube device will show the total amount disbursed by the BPM / ABPM device vice.
8. Cut off time - All the payments made by BPM / ABPM till 16:30 shall be included in D-Cube payments made for the day. BPM will add the daily total of both the MATM device of BPM as well as ABPM to the day's Savings Bank withdrawals and account for the same as SB withdrawals for the day in RICT device.
9. In case of death of the pensioner / POSB account holder BPM / ABPM will update the date of death in www.karnatakapost.gov.in web site in the URL provided. (Can be uploaded through mobile also).
10. In case of any doubt / clarification the BPM / ABPM will contact the Divisional Nodal Officer.
8. Accounting procedure for Branch Office
8.1. BPM at the end of the day before “Day End” process shall account for the amount disbursed upto 16:30 hours by BPM and ABPM through D-Cube withdrawal amount as shown below. If the transactions are performed upto 16:30 then Day End shall be performed after 16:30 hours after incorporating the day's transactions. The transactions performed after 16:30 hours shall be taken into account for the next day.
7.2. In case the transaction performed through D-Cube can not be updated in finacle BPM will receive the error entry / objection memo from Divisional Nodal Office. All such objections shall be settled within 3 working days from the date of receipt of objections by BPM / ABPM and details to be communicated to the concerned Divisional Nodal officer.
8.2 At Account office of the BO
Accounting procedure at Account office with BO transactions
1. Account office will log in to www.dopdbtdelivery.in and select menu “Day wise Office LOT”
2. Select — Region->Division->HO->SO->BO->date of transaction and submit
3. Account No. and Amount and total amount paid by the BO will be available in the report.
4. Account office will tally and confirm the total amount appearing in Account wise transaction report of the BO in www.dopdbtdelivery.in with the amount accounted for as D-Cube withdrawals in BO daily account received from the concerned BOs.
5. Account office will generate the BO DTR next day after 10:00 AM and confirm that all the D-Cube payments have been correctly incorporated including the RICT SB withdrawals at the BO under the head SB withdrawals.
6. Account office will follow up any errors raised due to insufficient funds immediately to get the amount credited into the account to settle the objection within 3 days.
9. Sequential functionality for disbursement at Departmental Post Offices (HO/SO)
1) Advance to Counter PA / Postmen / GDS authorised to make D-Cube payment - POSB counter PA of the office will provide advance as approved by Head of the office to the D-Cube End Users viz. POSB Counter PA, Postmen, Dak Sevaks for making D-Cube payments and enter the details in the D-Cube Cash Register as prescribed in Annexure —
I. The advance prescribed to be paid to IPPB End user (Rs.1 lakh or enhanced limit as the case may be) is applicable in case of D-Cube payments also.
2) Proceedure for payment of D-Cube withdrawals : D-Cube end user will disburse the amount as per the procedure shown in para-5 above for D- Cube payments.
3) Submission of returns : At the end of day D-Cube End User will submit the returns to the POSB Counter PA before the prescribed time.
4) Acceptance of D-Cube Returns : POSB Counter PA will accept the returns from the D-Cube End user and update the paid details in the D- Cube Cash Register and arrive at the figure of D-Cube payments made at the office consolidating the figures of D-Cube payments through POSB counter + Postmen + Dak Sevaks. He will generate the report in https://dopdbtdelivery.in/Karnataka and keep the record of D-Cube payments for tallying the same with DTR.
5) PM / SPM will generate the DTR of the office next day after 10:00 AM and confirm that the amount has been correctly incorporated against SB withdrawals including D-Cube withdrawal in the DTR of his office.
6) POSB Counter PA as well as the APM/DPM SB concerned will also see the BO DTRs generated at the office next day after 10:00 AM and confirm that the D-Cube payment figures are correctly incorporated in the SB withdrawals of the office. He will strike the total of D-Cube Payments made at the office including BOs and mention the total in the LOT. “D-Cube Payments date. DD/MM/YYYY © No......... Amount Rs................ ?
8) POSB Counter PA as well as the APM/DPM shall follow up any error entries raised due to transactions in dormant / silent accounts by getting it revived within 3 days.
9) POSB Counter PA as well as the APM / DPM shall follow up any errors raised due to insufficient funds immediately to get the amount credited into the account to settle the objection within 3 days.
10. At Bengaluru GPO - D-Cube Cell : SOP and accounting procedure has been prescribed for TTUM upload and voucher posting centrally at Bengaluru GPO and the same has been issued separately.
11. Role of the SBCO & Administrative offices - The SOP for role of SBCO and administrative offices will be issued separately.
12. Exception Payment: A common procedure has been prescribed for exception payment. All the D-Cube End Users are authorised to make exception payment. The procedure prescribed is -
1) While disbursing DBT with Aadhar authentication if the customer biometric gets failed for three consecutive times the beneficiary will be marked as payable in exception mode.
2) In such case, DCube End Users will obtain filled SB-7 (for exceptional transactions only) and obtain the acquittance. At the payment side he will obtain the acquittance for exceptional payment and sign for having paid the amount.
3. In that case, the payments are to be made through “exception payment” module and the corresponding authorized exception payee needs to authenticate transaction with Aadhar Biometric.
4. Once the transaction is completed the original beneficiary payment mode reverses back into normal payment for the subsequent disbursement.
5. D-Cube End user will submit these SB-7 of exceptional payments vouchers to BPM / POSB Counter PA as the case may be.
6. The POSB Counter PA / BPM shall maintain a register in the format Annexure — lll for exceptional payments.
7. Even if the beneficiary does not pay through exception mode for a period 15 days after modified as exceptional, in that case also the beneficiary reverses back into normal mode of payment.
8. A separate MIS is provided for watching all such exception payments.
1. Since all the authentications are based on Aadhaar bio-metric authentication if the beneficiary Aadhar is not available. Then the disbursement will not happen through D-Cube.
2. Seeding Module facilitates such seeding of DBT Aadhar. New Aadhar mapping to DBT account can be made by providing account number (job card ID) and Aadhar number, scheme ID.
3. For this purpose, the master data from respective user agencies has to be obtained and provided to CEPT in advance.
4. While seeding new Aadhar numbers the system verifies the existing of account number, job card number and Aadhar number and after successful completion only the Aadhar number option seeded into the disbursement system.
5. The system will not allow duplicate Aadhar number over written of existing Aadhar number/duplicate account/duplicate scheme ID.
6. Once the Aadhar number seeded into DBT system, subsequently disbursement can be made beneficiary through D-Cube.
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